Sunday, August 24, 2008

Walking Prescott, 50-strong

Prescott Photo Walk 2008. We gathered at the Sharlot Hall Museum grounds, 50 strong, to celebrate our town in picture. Only two hours to discover all manner of sights, from the museum grounds to the Whiskey Row alley to Courthouse Square. I was as fascinated with the photographers as I was with an area of town I've walked with my camera many, many times.

The Corn Mother -- from a different angle, one that I can only wist after at my age and condition!

Ditto for this close-up in the alley. Not to mention a dash up several inviting staircases, such as the cool, angular set at the city parking garage below. Did I mention that the day was clear, which means that it was Hot -- and the lighting Garish, not something one can easily PhotoShop away.

The crowd reached the courthouse. Here (above and below) are two opportunities to play Count the Cameras!

At the end of the trail, refreshment time at Pangea Bakery, inside with the air conditioning and outside with a breeze.

Even though it was time to relax, more than one last photo was taken -- after all, we had clouds finally forming after a week of hot and dry.

And here's Rich, who organized the entire affair. Many thanks to you, Rich. And just in case you'd like to see some wonderful pictures of Prescott, just hop over to Flickr. FYI, a similar event was happening in many cities around the world. Scott Kelby, a PhotoShop guru, was the mastermind.


  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    The Flickr pool is really, really interesting! It looks like you all had a very fun morning.

  2. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Also, I highly recommend that folks check out the "scottkelby" tag for all the different pics taken in all the different cities/towns/areas.

  3. Hi, dotter. Indeed it was a fun morning & I finally managed to master Yahoo (almost) so that I could download a batch of pictures.

  4. Anonymous4:41 AM

    GJ, thanks for the post. That is one affair I would love to attend. Someday perhaps.

  5. Some of those cats have really heavy artillery.


  6. steve -- I am sure that there are also some German towns that participated -- be sure to check the master list.

    bro -- heavy is the operative word. At my age, I'd wear myself out for sure carrying all that glass! However, the new electronically linked lenses are wonderful.

  7. Looks like a wonderful event. I wish we had something like that around here. Heck, I'd even go for a photo club. But then I would need a new camera, and a few lenses and maybe a tripod to go with it....

  8. Bevson -- this was the first year for such a get together & I suspect that the next time around, many more locales will be involved. Maybe even your mountain top. (Mountain top? In Jersey?)
