Sunday, August 03, 2008

You know you're in Alaska...

...when you are greeted by a polar bear at the airport. However, I'm hard put to give you pictures of all those other cliches that stick in my memory: igloos, dog sleds, snow everywhere, seals, walrus &, of course, a big moose or two. I haven't seen any such as yet. Not likely too, either. After all, it is summer, if a grey one.

No, I have been travelled all over the place by the Dotter, taken a zillion photos & tried to tame the Alien Computer. It takes time, folks! My bear above wants to be straightened out and he wants a tap or two on the PhotoShop contrast button, but I thought I'd better shout a hello or two before Walking Prescott is completely forgotten.

There are fascinating matters to report & picture: the ubiquitous latte shacks you find everywhere ... impressive moutain peaks looming over you at every turn ... water, water everywhere ... and even a glimpse of a glacier or two. With luck and perseverance, I'll be back in a day or two.


  1. Glad you made it ok. Say Hi to PapaO, MommaO and BabyO.


  2. Anonymous3:20 AM

    GJ, glad to see a post from you. I travelled through and airport in Alaska, back in the 60's. I recall seeing one of those big white bears, back then.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    For get you and your blog, Granny J, Never!

    But, today's post is much appreciated; just knowing you're okay.

    Can't wait to see photos of those gorgeous mountains!

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Just like when your home in Prescott, I'm sure you'll see through the cliches and bring back some great stories. Don't hurry, but be back soon.

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Hi all! We're going to see a glacier today, talking of cliches. I've spent several days mooning over the tops & now we're going out to the Matanuska Glacier because there's not much else to do in the rain, rain, rain.

  6. Oops! Topos, that is.

  7. Anonymous5:17 PM

    It's a polar bear... I thought it was a grizzly. Oh well, it's big and impressive. thanks for the giving me a second look.

  8. Glad to see you arrived safely. Have fun at the glaciers. Those blues will stick with you for a while. :)

  9. Granny:
    May I introduce you to:
