Saturday, September 13, 2008

Back to the Farmers Market

Would you believe it's been over two years since I visited the Prescott Farmers Market? The problem is classic: location, location, location. To which I add, day of the week. If the market were on a weekday, I could quite happily travel to the Yavapai College venue and back on the little local bus. Not of a Saturday.

Besides, I am like my mother in that most veggies leave me cold. Fresh from the farm or store-bought, I eat them by way of duty, though that winter squash turned out to be quite yummy. I also have to make an exception for the SIL's home-grown spinach and other greens. There's no question, however, that the eggplant and the peppers and the squash and the melons are most photogenic.

The great exception to the veggie rule: I truly groove on tomatoes, either home-grown or farm-fresh. I refer, of course, to tomatoes with that very special taste that catches you in the corner of your mouth-- there's nothing like it! It is an experience you never get from supermarket tomatoes. The basket of little cherry tomatoes, in red, orange and purple, cost six bucks (plus carfare) but I'll get that much pleasure, if not more. I also bought two sets of pears -- gnarly Bartletts and smooth-skinned Anjous -- plus a pair of little unripe peaches, and a mystery melon which the farm lady declared to be a very tasty Russian breed.

One item I should have picked up, but forgot -- a big sunflower seedhead for the birds. I did buy a small package of sunflower seeds and a fat packet of hollyhock seeds, mixed colors, both for planting next spring.

Like fruit, flowers were scarce. Bright sunflowers and zinnias (above) and everlasting artichoke flowers (below) were all. Oh yes, there was iris root stock.

Other items on sale included specialty baked goods from the Crossroads Cafe over at Prescott College and all manner of preserves, with an emphasis on chile H*O*T. I'm not that macho, so I settled on a couple of cookies from the Cafe booth.

The hokey train delivers BBQ -- and sandwiches were available, as were churned ice cream and tamales.

Just to prove that not all prepared food in Prescott is Mexican, one booth featured Greek goodies.

The chap who paints Indian motifs on sandstone put in an appearance; it looks to me that he's prospering -- that's a bigger, fancier trailer than I had previously seen. But by me, the most intriguing item on sale today was the egg of the moa. Yes, the big birds are raised on a farm hereabouts. I had thought that the basket below held giant avocados (which don't grow hereabouts), but was disabused of this by the farmer, who explained that the egg shells are quite strong and suitable for decorating. I kinda like them as is.

There was music. A banjo picker. Again. Is a ghost is following me?


  1. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Tose are interesting eggs. Too bad you can't get over to the market more often.

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Very nice pictures!

    Those are neat eggs. They are not moa eggs though since moa went extinct several hundred years ago:

    Maybe they are emu eggs?

  3. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I want a "Molly's Tamale"

  4. steve -- yes, it is too bad. I might even eat more veggies if the market were downtown again.

    dave -- oops! And I had a picture with an emu publication on it as a reminder!!! Careless, that's what. I guess in my mind's eye, large flightless birds whose name contains an "m" are one and the same.

    mark -- I should have had one; however,I came across the churned ice cream booth first & was quite filled up by the time I hit Molly's.

  5. Oh, I miss the Prescott Farmer's market. I think it might just be the best in the state! It's too bad they moved it from downtown though, that's part of what it was all about. Why do towns keep moving things from their center?

  6. kim -- I'm surprised -- I would expect either Tucson or Phoenix to have a larger, more varied farmers' market just because of the longer growing season, if for no other reason. As for a downtown location, I'm sure the merchants love having the market -- only on weekends when there is not big Do on the Square. On those weekends, everybody's up tight about parking spaces, moving the traffic, etc.

  7. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I'll say, I'm confused: the only time I visited the Prescott Farmers' Market it was, gosh, right near City Hall. Why is it treated like a nuisance now?

    And I'm sorry to hear the "Toonerville Trolley" hasn't improved its service since I rode it almost thirty years ago!

  8. Molly's Tamales are awesome. The only ones that DaNece likes. :)

    And I believe you are right on about the reason for moving the market to yavapai college. As I recall the lawyers office on the street where the market used to be held (cortez, or marina?) put up a stink about not being able to access their office on weekends. :(

  9. melanie -- see tombo's comment re: location of the farmer's market. As for our toonerville non-trolley, there's a big 3-city hoo-hah going on about transit. Maybe they'll get something going about the time I can no longer walk.

    tombo -- thanks for the tamale tip. I'll try one the next time.

  10. Anonymous8:42 AM

    There are many reasons for the Prescott Farmers Market to have moved to Yavapai College. First - it has become so big that, with the other events downtown, space would be a serious issue. Vendors need space to park next to their booth, customers need parking spots, and area businesses still need to be accessable. Second - we needed a permanent location, so that all of you know where we are! The college has proved very supportive of the market, and has given us the space to grow as needed. By the way - the farmers market still has a few weeks to go - Saturdays 7:30 - noon through October 11! Come support your local farmers, get delicious locally grown veggies, locally made tamales, BBQ, and baked goods, local art, chef demos and live music!

  11. PFM -- I completely understand all the reasons for moving the market to Yavapai College. That doesn't answer my personal problem, which is that I do not drive, the little Toonerville Trolley bus does not run of a Saturday AM & so I wind up taking a taxi,which is why I show up maybe once or twice a year, rather than every Saturday which would be my preference.
