Saturday, September 20, 2008

Recycle bins

In the course of my wanderings these past few months, I came across a pair of recycle bins that just begged to be partnered. The first was this fine collection of soda pop cans down at the Birdsong Creek marina in Tennessee which I visited with TONFM (The Other Niece from Memphis). The big surprise? All that Mountain Dew; for overseas readers, MD is a lemon-lime soft drink concoction. I had thought that the South was Dr. Pepper country, but I don't see any below.

And here's the similar bin, over at the local upper crust Goodwill store on SR69. Don't weep for the decline in literacy that this might represent -- these titles are the same sort of stuff that one multi-story second hand bookstore in Chicago used to sell for 5 cents a pound.

I wouldn't want to give Goodwill a bad rap for denigrating the printed word. The more respectable reading matter (i.e., more likely to sell) is available on neat shelves at the back of the store.


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Germany is big on recycling. They even have separate bins for different colored glass.

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    You are amazing, Granny J!

    What a photojournalist you are.

    ~Anon in AV.

  3. steve -- the city doesn't even pick up glass here -- Prescott College has the only glass recycling bin that I'm aware of.

    anon av -- sometimes wonderful combos just drop into one's lap -- as this pair did.
