Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Downtown via a different route

Willis, between McCormick and Montezuma. It's on my way to Albertson's if I'm walking. Yesterday, I was. But I also took my time to scope the scene. I hadn't realized that the last two cottages on the east side of McCormick had disappeared; I really hate it when one more modest old home makes way for one more square box, even if it's a small, independently owned box.

Here's the alley entrance to the detailing dealer. Wonder just how much attention owners of vehicles are paying to appearances these days. BTW, catch that HUGE stump at left. This same alley, right next Granite Creek, leads to one entrance to the Sam Hill Warehouse, but it looks as though that information will be privileged, since the directional sign lies flat on its back.

One cottage does remain, after all -- on the alley, behind the modernistic 2-story structure. It looks to be in good enough repair that it is probably a business location, not a residence. Plus, below, a reminder from the city that one of these days, the trail system will be following the creek from the middle school all the way to Yavapai College. Cool!

Across Willis Street a bit of trimming took place (above), just west of this Granite Creek crossing, which is my favorite because it does not block off one's view of the creek (below) -- very unusual these days! Not that there's water to be seen in this season.

When we first moved to Prescott, this creekside office building was an old warehouse, probably an empty one. I find the rehab job pleasant to look at, especially the veranda and the little window with its tile (below).

Further along Willis: an auto parts sculpt (above) and a thoroughly hacked off small tree that is one with the fence below. At this point, we're almost to Montezuma Street.

Of course, there's a touch of street art. No, nothing like those fabulous painted drainage catacombs that Tombo has discovered, but worthy of note. My special favorite from today was the Mother Ship below. And I commend the artist, who worked in easy-to-clean chalk instead of semi-permanent spray-can.

We've arrived at Hugo's, along Montezuma. Anybody know the latest on a recent rumor of a forced move, possibly to a location near Watson Lake Park? (Ugh -- I can't walk that far, no way!) But better relo than belly-up, like Fazzoli's, the second Sheldon Street restaurant to shutter the windows recently.

Two parting shots before I close down, having almost reached my shopping goal. #1, above, a sign declaring the Montezuma section of the Cross-Town to be a bike route, despite lack of a striped off lane. Woo-hoo! For Evel Knievel on a hot Cannondale, maybe. I suspect the bike issue is one that is going to simmer for quite a long while.

Final shot: nearly antique election signs in a 3rd floor window in the former Harvey Eugene building. As best I can tell, at issue was the county supervisor, district 1 office and the person was a Walter of some stripe. Historians out there?


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    That was a nice walk.

  2. I was walking this area just yesterday. :)

    The chalk artist behind that mother ship was up to mischief all over the downtown streets. Courthouse maintenance crews had already cleaned most of it off of the square by the time I got there.

    I sincerely hope Hugo's doesn't relocate, it would be a decided loss for the downtown area...

  3. steve -- it was definitely not my usual. BTW, I met a Haida woman on my way down Gurley. She spotted my favorite orca sweatshirt.

    tombo -- the tale I heard about Hugo's is that they lost the lease. I wouldn't be surprised if a smart landlord might not be rethinking such a move.

  4. Thank you for sharing your walk the photos are very nice, I somehow like the tree in the fence, did the fence grow around the tree?

  5. cloudy -- there are a lot of wire fences around town that have been incorporated into trees.

  6. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Political signs were for Walter Burcham, who was beat out by U NO HU!

  7. new anon -- I was wondering if the signs were that recent! Wonder what else is hidden up in that building. There's a lot of space.

  8. My friend P. (who's apparently afraid to comment) said:
    "[D.'s] new office rental is at the corner of Willis and McCormick. Interesting building on the creek. Been there a long time. (sort of)
    The entire 'east' side of McCormick from Gurley to Willis is owned by one man, who also owns the Pig Barbecue joint on Gurley and stuff behind Costco as well as others. The old colorful houses are now rented 'art' galleries and antiques...but someday will be raised to make way for commercial progress."

  9. yep, ddd -- and he's probably thanking the gods that govern real estate that he didn't raze those little cottages & build a multi-story office or condo structure. One of the old houses on the west side was purchased and torn down to make a parking lot for the condo building at McCormick & Gurley, the one that still hasn't sold all its $million units.
