Friday, October 17, 2008

Sky monsters

In olden times, maps of unexplored turf often were labeled "here be monsters!" Or other equally daunting admonitions. Herein I present two images that happened to me as Halloween approaches, suggesting that in our modern day, the skies harbor their own monsters. So much for you, United Airlines. Friendly, hah!

PS -- no PhotoShopping; these are directly from camera.


  1. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Nice shots.

  2. These are fantastic! I specially like the first. They do look like double exposure collages, but are even better for being found as they are!

    (thanks for the link on the last one too)

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Who needs Photoshop when you've got windows! LOL

    GJ, is Maya's on Montezuma still around?

    And, anything "brewing" at The Raven Cafe for Halloween?

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. Amazing pix GJ!
    I'm longing to go to Watters right now!

  5. steve -- thank you kindly. A far cry from those tufted ear squirrels you follow!

    lucy -- I was quite amazed when I saw those pictures; certainly not what i was aiming for...

    anon av -- yes, as far as I know, Maya's is still open; don't know what's on for Halloween at the Raven, but doubtless something.

    brain -- it's about all mums, pansies & some snaps currently. Unless you're thinking of the trees!

  6. GrannyJ - Very awesome and innovative!

    Halloween is right around the corner....

  7. tombo -- honest -- those were complete accidents, tho very welcome ones. Speaking of monsters from the sky, do you follow SpaceWeather to keep up to date on the latest meteorites or the low sunspot count?

  8. Very intriguing!

  9. meggie -- I'm always fascinated at the unexpected which can show up in even the most carefully planned photo (and those photos were not carefully planned, so had a much greater chance for random elements.)

  10. warren -- they might be called the two monsters from Serendip...
