Sunday, November 23, 2008

Golden sycamores

Suddenly our sycamores are golden. Though I have a quite large folder of sycamore pictures, my fingers would not rest until they had opened the shutter to these brilliant late afternoon trees next the Lincoln School.

The sun, low to the west, sent light through the leaves -- our final hurrah for a dry autumn; this year, these particular sycamores are outshining the earlier performance of the neighborhood aspens.

By Tuesday, we can expect a series of northwest storms lasting three or four days, at last prediction. The leaves will be gone when the storms move out. But the moisture will be very, very welcome. After talking with my Aussie bro this evening, I realized why we've had such a dry period -- he reports that Perth has enjoyed an unusually wet November. It's a seesaw; when bro has unseasonable moisture, he's taking it from us. Been that way for years.


  1. You would be welcome to some of the hail and rain that has poured onto our little green island recently.

    Beautiful photos.

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Came through Skull Valley Sunday, it is just prime now for colors, A real banner year!

  3. Beautiful pictures. I love the's bark is amazing too.

    I am happy to have rain in the forecast, but we have an outdoor Thanksgiving planned with 30 people! I was hoping the rain could hold off for just a few more days, but I don't expect nature to wait for us. Not sure what we will do...

  4. tales -- I'll take it!

    style -- Skull Valley -- mainly cottonwood?

    kim -- sorry to wish bad fortune for your Thanksgiving gathering, but I'm counting on that weather system.

  5. Anonymous12:57 PM

    You have the right attitude about enjoying what trees you can enjoy. I'm afraid that I gave up on trees and forests when I moved west.

    I admire the topography and geology out here, and think of the good old days back east when I think about trees.

  6. Anonymous2:16 PM

    We have sycamores in our area, natives, in our canyons, and the fall colors are so joyous!

    Well, as for you and your Bro, it sounds like it's a give-and-take. LOL

    (Yea, so sad about the Apache Motel motor court. Wish I could buy it, but what would I do with it?)

    ~Anon in AV.

  7. Ah, you beat me to it, GJ. I have been admiring the yellow leaves for days but always forget to take my camera with me. But it's o.k., they're on your turf anyway!

  8. boonie -- I miss the maples, too, but I'm always surprised at what neat colors we do get up in the mountains.

    anonav -- just what is it about the Apache Maid motel??? I know that for a long time, Pudge & Asti's bar was there. Long time memories?

    cat-A -- there's only one way to handle that problem: never, never leave home without the camera. I've learned my lesson the hard way.

  9. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Here's another sycamore image

  10. dagny -- a cool pair of trees you captured!
