Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kitchen table studio: goldenrod pods

Periodically, a small plant detail will shout, "Photograph me! Me! Me!" And I can't. Perhaps my body won't contort the right way for the right image. Or the plant may be the sort which invites the breeze -- deadly. At that point, I may decide it's time for "snip" and a session on the kitchen table top. Such was the case with the late season goldenrod seed pompoms. Pretty little things, about 1/2 - 3/4 inch in diameter, packed tightly together.

In the process, I discovered that the stems had a front and a back side. Further, that the back side presented a more elegant arrangement. Did I mention that, having read my Canon's manual, I now know how to work its macro setting, with results that aren't half bad. Obviously, I should do a little more reading and less whining.


  1. Very pretty, GJ. Your macro picture is lovely... makes me think of spun glass..or angel hair. I miss that at Christmas..

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    the third photo is outrageous... a beautiful shot worthy of a mat and frame.

  3. tombo -- thanks!

    brain -- you're right, there is a spun glass look to the pods...

    arty -- and thank you, mark -- when I first caught sight of the back of those stems, I was blown away & had to get the picture. Looks sorta like something that might live undersea.

  4. Gorgeously subtle, their own monochrome...

  5. lucy -- autumn monochrome, the color of all kinds of wonderful pods. Most of which are just waiting to be photographed.
