Monday, December 15, 2008

A Christmas stocking of links

This evening, instead of tending to my pictures and PhotoShop, I worked the Sunday NYTimes crossword with the dotter -- after lingering over a pleasant meal with her and a local friend. And so I shall make post with a fine, varied collection of links that have been piling up on my desktop. Here goes:

* Thanks to my Google Alert, I can tell you that another UFO video from Prescott is making the rounds of the paranormal blogs; don't know if this is recent or what, but it definitely is better than the last such video.

* If you're a lover (or hater) of cats, you should really take a look at the little Simon's Cats toons on YouTube; wonderful fun.

* Were you aware that the Library of Commerce has downloaded a huge batch of historic photos on Flickr? Read all about it at the library's blog.

* Into creepy-crawlies? Then The Backyard Arthropod Project is just for you; the current post features cicadas, a critter that we in Prescott are all too familiar with.

* When I want a rust, peeling paint or abandoned structure fix, paired with a line of modern poetry, I turn to Chatoyance down in Texas who finds remarkable abstract subjects -- it must be something in her local landscape.

* Whipstone Farms is a Chino outfit that sells a season's supply of fresh veggies for a fixed price. If you are interested, the site is here.

* Also local: Dagny took really cool pictures of a Cooper's hawk ... sheoflittlebrain at The One Acre Wood has been running a series of alphabetical posts; I especially liked her T for Topiary piece ... as a finale, I recommend Tombo's current blog, wherein he posts a picture of an electric wooden fence (huh?).


  1. Just dropping by to wish you and yours every happiness this Christmas and for the New Year.

  2. Thanks for the link, GJ! I'm checking out the others as soon as I post the dratted W.
    Love to you and Kate..I know you're having fun even if old Sol has deserted us for a day or two!

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Glad you and OmegaMom are enjoying your time together. The week will go by quickly, so please don't spend a lot of time on your blog while she's there.

    Love the Cooper's Hawk link. What a gorgeous bird!

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. tales -- and to you, a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

    brain -- a day or four, you mean... yes -- today we're going to JoAnn's to see what sorts of arts/crafts stuff we can find for the M child. Oh, yes, also popping in next door at Tuesday Morning, which is always a great deal of fun, seeing which high priced goodies bombed!

  5. anon av -- the week is already going by at a fantastic pace!

  6. Well, gosh, GrannyJ! I blush! I have fond memories of Prescott from my time as an undergrad in Flagstaff lo those many years ago, and your blog fuels my missing the Ponderosa pine and high dry mountains.

    Thanks for the shout-out -- and you're right, everyone who stops by my blog really does need to be sure their tetanus shots are up to date. Lots of rustalicious fun in the back alleys and small towns around here.

    And maybe, now that I'm between semesters, I'll see a bit more of it...take care and stay warm, all y'all.

  7. lori -- I'm quite smitten with your places that time has passed by so thoroughly! So far, we're staying warm, though the weather is trying its best to chill us out.
