Friday, December 19, 2008

Not your everyday 3-in-1 printer!

Fellow blogger, techie Rich Charpentier has just joined the Prescott art community with a bang. Over at the Ian Russell Gallery is a display of his photographs of the local scene , processed into spectacular, sometimes other-worldly HDR prints -- a technique from the age of PhotoShop and its successors. Dotter & I paid a call on Rich yesterday (below); I wanted to get a good look at his fancy new machinery & she (OmegaMom) wanted to buy one of his prints. We both achieved our goals.

Here it is, in the gallery back room: Rich's new HP printer for high-res, high fidelity giclee prints from photographs, paintings or other art work. Take a look at those ink cartridges, not one of the six is a standard printer color -- these are among the extra inks that are needed for exact matching of the colors in a work of art. All told, the printer uses 12 separate colors, including three blacks! Rich's business is the first and only such service in this area. In fact, the prices are reasonable enough that I am thinking of ordering a few large prints from my LH's wonderful nature photography.

Did I mention that Rich's machine also makes H*U*G*E prints?

This reproduction of a painting of Thumb Butte was printed on canvas -- just one of the possibilities of the new technologies. Do I sound enthusiastic? Yes, I am. Indeed.


  1. I love new technology, & I can see why you are so enthusiastic for the wonders this machine can produce. That painting repro is spectacular!!

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    If I could buy a camera that could do what the printer does...just a thought. He does magic with his photos.

  3. This is amazing! E is already busy thinking about slides he'd like to have printed.

  4. Thought I'd let you know that we did indeed call him on your recommendation about the ranch...he never returned the call.

    We have a wonderful woman who works as a therapist living out there now, as our caretaker.

  5. Wow! that is one printer and what he produces with it is fantastic. I can well understand your enthusiasm.

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Great post, GJ.

    Have you blogged about LH's nature photography before? I may have missed a few posts.

    Would love to see LH's pix online in your future posts!

    ~Anon in AV.

  7. meggie -- indeed, the results are pretty dang wonderful...

    steve -- if you're willing to carry around a lot of glass, I suspect you could find such a camera, though the special effect magic involves computer work, more than the printer which is just a nearly perfect reproduction machine.

    brain -- like I said, I am too...

    ykwyaw -- too bad it didn't work out. Glad you found somebody -- all looked well when we passed by the ranch yesterday on our way to the Santa Maria.

    avus -- there is something remarkable about a photo blown up to those sizes ... they sort of overwhelm one!

    anon av -- they are mainly wildflowers, but gorgeous. No -- it involves a lot of time on my slide scanner & balancing the colors. but I will get there.

  8. Darned impressive over at that gallery, eh? I saw the print the dotter picked out, and the mat she picked complimented it just perfectly! I love the picture with Rich on the phone as well...I swear that's how I usually see him anymore (giggle!)

  9. Chickie -- dotter first saw the picture on Rich's blog & lusted! As for seeing Rich on the phone -- my hunch is that means business, which as a Good Thing.

  10. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Totally thrilled to see the Firefox logo on that background Mac as well!

  11. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Ah, being on the phone does mean business! Just can't miss those calls.

    Glad you enjoyed the visit! And sorry the printer wasn't churning something out at the time. Sometimes it takes 45 minutes to send a job to the printer before it even starts printing!

    Thanks for stopping by, and I'll look forward to seeing you again soon!

  12. melanie -- when I bought my Mac, my guru guy included Firefox, which he recommended.

    rich -- one of these days I'll make it when the printer is delivering.
