Thursday, December 04, 2008

On the road to Prescott Valley

And so friend Patty was heading over to the new Sam's Club and invited me along. I'll always jump at the chance for a ride to somewhere new to me; who knows what I might see.

Torn up streets from the SR89/SR69 work, that's what, except that the machines are creeping well into the city, tearing up the east end of Gurley here. (The picture of the Apache Motel is specifically for my friend from Aliso Viejo.)

The new underpass. Note art work; I think that the white is scheduled to disappear.

Of course, everyone is asking about the fate of that wide spot on the north side of SR69, next to the casino entrance. It has a very permanent look, as though the tribe has business plans.

Remnants of one of the old SR69s was quite visible when we stopped at Lowe's. If your eyes are better than mine, you can read the history of the highway below. If not, then hie yourself over to Lowe's and read the sign in person. Take a topo map with you to help visualizing the route. My memory from a '30s childhood in Phoenix is that the parental and grandparental units wouldn't have dreamed of taking the unpaved, rough Black Canyon Highway up to Prescott; the White Spar was paved, after all and besides, it went through the forest.

Two hilltops topped by housing outcrops. A move to zone against hilltop housing was stopped in its tracks once the sponsors realized that under a recent state constitutional amendment such zoning would be considered a "taking" of property [value], costing the city far too much. Ah well. I hope those folks enjoy their view.

Diamond Valley is a small unincorporated subdivision in the hills between Prescott and Prescott Valley; a feature is that many of the streets are named after gemstones. You'll find Diamond, Sapphire, Ruby, Jade and Emerald, as well as Onyx and Turquoise Drives. But developers wouldn't leave well enough alone -- in addition to these gems, they felt obligated to include the native rhinestone. Huh?

Further along, we spotted that interesting truck to the left above. As we caught up with the vehicle (below), my friend observed, "Oh -- that must be Thing One and Thing Two." I leave you on that Seussian note.


  1. The two white bizzos would lend themselves to an animated 'Laurel & Hardy' feature film.


  2. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Nice ride. I guess one would have to be there to really understand or picture it.

  3. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Have you seen the backside of the Resort Hilltop? Bidness plans, Yavapai Indian Tribe has them. They are putting in an interpretive kind of museum and gift shop on the new lot they scraped out. The front lots are for new businesses, the lots behind the gas station are reserved for the new Administration buildings. They just got done with a complete remodel inside the Resort and is resplendit with my largre format images of Prescott in every room! Love them!

  4. The Apache Motel..huh! It was the Apache Lodge for forty or fifty years.. Wonder why the name change..oh well, enjoyed the trip in any case..

  5. Use to live in Tucson. It's been a long time since I've been to Prescott, or Prescott Valley. It looks like things have continued to grow.

  6. A fabulous report on an interesting journey.

    It looks as if the whole Planet is
    "Under Construction".

  7. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Thanks for the photo "gift", GJ! Love the Apache (Lodge) Motel.

    I had also heard that the Yavapai-Prescott tribe is going to put in an amphitheatre... overlooking 89, I think.

    ~Anon in AV.

  8. bro -- it would work especially well if those "necks" were collapsible.

    steve -- or be a fancier of Dr. Seuss.

    style -- thanks for the intel...I'll have to get over to the resort to see your images. And congrats for the show!

    brain -- wasn't there another motel with an Indian tribe's name, followed by "Lodge"? Yes -- if you'd been along, we'd have done Berry's for the rhubarb pie!!!

    rick -- welcome! Oh, have they grown. I think you might say, they've over-grown.

    tftbw -- it's the great effort to make the entire world into a version of SoCal.

    anon -- well, they've got that nice declivity between the Resort hill and the next hill over.
