Thursday, February 19, 2009

Computer Woes

Tis my annual into the shop for the freaky Mac which inhabits my desktop. Apparently my experience is quite singular -- for years, I worked on various PCs with no big problems. I make the change to an Apple and am plagued; possibly it's a curse from Bill Gates. The SteveGuru says that he's never seen a Mac with as many problems as my lovely machine. Cold comfort.

So, in the meantime, I am slowly adjusting to a loaner laptop from friend Georgene. Maybe by tomorrow night, I will be comfortable with PhotoShop & such in alien surrounds and thus able to return to my standard picture posts. In the meantime, I am composing a new calypso tune:

I picked my lovely Apple from the Lemon Tree.

Too bad Harry Belafonte is not around to sing it.


  1. Once your Apple turns back to a peach, I'm sure you'll be back with aplomb. Best wishes with the computers.

  2. Hope your Mac is back soon!

  3. Is maybe a sour apple or a crab apple??


  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    It's nice to hear a Mac owner debunk the Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field.

    I have found laptops to be so unreliable that perhaps an internet addict really should keep a backup laptop.

  5. Rough stuff Granny J. I am not a Mac person but I do admire them. I'll just stick with my PC.

  6. I like the song! Hope you get the Mac back soon.

  7. Steve Jobs is sick too. Maybe it's time to get back to a REAL computer! ;-/

  8. I'm sorry about your computer. I am a recent MAC convert and I couldn't be happier (not to rub it in or anything, just to say there are good ones out there.) I couldn't have been more frustrated with my PC constantly having problems, getting viruses, and errors. So far (2 years later) this computer has been a gem and hardly ever do I have to deal with "computer issues." Knock on wood of course. Sorry you are having to deal with so many old is the computer? My friend had a bunch of problems 3 months after he bought his and they gave him a new one...I think that may have been rare though....

  9. Thank you all for commiserating with me. I have to admit that after a couple of years on a Mac, I find Windows to be a hair stiff & inflexible. I didn't get a Mac because of the magic of Steve Jobs, BTW, but on the recommendation of a techie buddy, maybe because he thought it was suitable for old ladies, but also simply to avoid the virus hassle. I still haven't figured out how to download a picture into Blogger.

  10. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I think Apple should give you a brand new Mac.

    You've been loyal, you've earned it!

    ~Anon in AV.

    (I <3 my Mac!)

  11. My wife swears by AppleMac. I have always used PCs with Windows. She has nearly convinced me to change, but your experiences.............?

  12. I am so, so sorry to hear this because I am a Mac evangelist. The few, the proud, I will believe in macs to my dying day.

  13. anon av -- that's a fine idea -- do you think it will fly?

    avus -- I'm told by everyone that I am the exception that proves the rule and that Mas are as reliable as they come. For everybody else, it seems.

    kate -- after a couple of days on Window$, I'm really awaiting the return of my nice computer. Hope it will be soonest.

  14. anon av -- that's a fine idea -- do you think it will fly?

    avus -- I'm told by everyone that I am the exception that proves the rule and that Mas are as reliable as they come. For everybody else, it seems.

    kate -- after a couple of days on Window$, I'm really awaiting the return of my nice computer. Hope it will be soonest.
