Sunday, February 01, 2009

I'm up to number 82

In honor of the occasion, friends treated me to a lovely dinner at Murphy's. Can't say as how I feel any older than I did yesterday, tho for sure I'm not feeling any younger. Bother! However, I did get a picture taken, courtesy of the restaurant management, which had also honored me with a birthday piece of bread pudding to die for. BTW, the picture gave the lie to something I read later on the web, to the effect that Polaroid had closed down its analog film operations; the company still has a good thing going with firms and people that win PR points by taking a picture and presenting it on the spot. Is there a digital equivalent on the market as yet?

Our party sat beneath a dark, looming bust that we all decided must be Beethoven (whatever he might have to do with the olde tyme Western theme of Murphy's), but when I asked the waitress, she explained that, no, it was Louis XIV (whatever he might have had to do with the olde tyme Western theme of Murphy's). Naturally, I had to take a picture of the Sun King, shining brightly on one and all, once he was lit by the camera flash.

Still More Links: I missed the boat on a proper tour of the Ecohood over on Dameron Street; it seems that Andrew Millison, the guiding light for the concept locally, has moved to Oregon and put his property on the market. Doing a little nosing around, I found two interesting blogs from down in the Verde Valley. Pamela Ravenswood of From My Point of View ponders those hokey piles of stone that visitors leave all over the Sedona area, sees one that looks like a woman -- and adds boobs. Nick's CrAZed Ramblings tells the saga of a solar installation over time and several posts.


  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Feliz cumpleanos, GJ!

    Murphy's is a great location.

    ~Anon in AV.

  3. I ment to give you a bell, but things intervened. Feliz ochentaydos hermana.


  4. Anonymous4:48 AM

    You look pleased as punch. A late congratulation for the occasion.

  5. Mmmm..Murphy's whiskey bread pudding!

    You're still beautiful GJ!
    Did you see your picture at my site? You as most often seen:)

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Happy Birthday, Granny Y, and may you have many more!

  7. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy B-Day GrannyJ!!!

    And yes Polaroid does have a digital version, which uses heat-sensitive photo paper. It is called the PoGo

  9. Wow! Such a wonderful bunch of greetings -- I do thank each and every one of your. Now, I have to settle into my new age bracket.

  10. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Many happy returns of the day!

  11. Happy Birthday!

    Some music for you by a rising star.

  12. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Happy birthday!! The photo makes you look genuinely delighted with the occasion.

    I would've mistaken the bust for one of Sir Isaac Newton or Rene Descartes. I'm glad you got the straight dope from the server, if not from the interior designer who chose it to complement Murphy's Tombstone/Dodge City look.

  13. Again, my thanks for all the new greetings. The Bach was a thoughtful addition!

  14. Nice to put a face to the writing. Belated good wishes - I hope you had a grand time.

  15. avus -- thanks for the sentiment. I enjoyed a lovely piece of grilled salmon; perfect for a birthday!

  16. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Hello All! I saw Skull Valley Cemetary over the weekend traveling through (to go camping). Does anyone know Skull Valley's Address and a contact number? I am interested in seeing how much it is to pre-pay for a plot there. Tks much!!! Tiffany O.

  17. Hi, tiffany o -- I've got absolutely no idea. I guess you'd have to stop off at the store or the restaurant or the gas station & ask around.
