Thursday, March 26, 2009

Maintenance -- not missing!

So friends Patty and Bob were ferrying me down Hillside on the way to the True Value for hose timers (I'm prone to forgetting that the water's on). As we approached Miller Valley, Bob asked Patty to turn around and head back the other way. "Something I want you to see."

We wound up at Brackman's, the paint & body repair shop. And here's what was in one of the bays (above). After I hopped out of the car, trying to get a picture of OUR OWN MUFFLER MAN, this crotch shot (below) was the best I could do, he's so big.

But Prescott people are kind, decent folk who quite happily volunteer to roll huge 20 ft. figures outside so a granny-aged photographer can get a better shot. The head (below).

More of his body (above) and a full length shot (below).

And I got the story: one of his legs was broken when a driver ran into him. He was moved to the body shop for a repair job -- plus shiny new shoes, pants, shirt and skin. His features come next. What an adventure! But I am feeling somewhat abashed, having behaved the other day like Aesop's little boy who shouted "Wolf!"


  1. Bravo, Granny! But don't apologize for that crotch shot - - we know how you are!!!

  2. Happy Day!! He's not gone, just in hospital for a broken leg. He looks kind of strange without his hat on though. So glad you've found him!!!

  3. You are without doubt the kewlest mum-in-law in the world.

  4. When Muffler Man is back in action, I envisage a shot of you cradled lovingly in his arms a la Fay Wray.


  5. Sweet, not a world traveler after all! I'm guessing he will be heading back to his old stomping grounds on fair street once his features have been painted?

  6. Granny you are a hoot! Have a great weekend! T

  7. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Nuthin' gets past Granny J!

  8. I was thinking about what that conversation must have sounded like when the driver called his insurance company to report the accident. Driver:"I had an accident, I hit a big cowboy on Fair Street and broke his leg."
    Claims Person: "Is he in the hospital now?"
    Driver: "No, he's at the Auto body shop."

  9. cat-A -- ???

    jarart -- I didn't see the hat anywhere.

    ad -- thank you, thank you, thank you, SIL!

    bro -- oooh, I like that.

    tombo -- that's the drill according to the Brackman man.

    teresa -- I plan on one!

    style -- actually, I count on my friends; I don't think I would have been walking that way any time soon.

    jarart -- that's how it goes!!!

  10. Melanie A.2:55 PM

    Hooray! Seems like yet another Miller Valley story, by the way.

    I hope the beauty treatments serve him well. Thank you for the detective work!

  11. Thanks for the update on Muffler Man. He really is popular!

  12. I'll pull the APB here in Florida... glad he's getting rejuvenated at the Auto Spa...

  13. Melanie -- so it is! Miller Valley appears to be especially evocative!

    meggie -- MM is one of those pop icons that aren't in the guide books, which makes him more special for the local folk.

    sandy -- yep, I think he's getting completely detailed.

  14. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Glad they found the big guy.

  15. steve -- yep -- all's well in at least one small corner of the world.

  16. Wonderful, and fun in the comments, I love the Curmudgeon's suggestion!

  17. lucy -- and I am visualizing a gient Barbie doll in rescue position per my bro's suggestion.

  18. Came here to see what happened to the big guy via Judy/Jarart's blog - what fun! An auto body repair shop - of course!

  19. susie -- where else?
