Friday, March 06, 2009

Sheet -- or blanket?

Normally, Prescott views are sweetness and light, or at the very least, tidy and, well, nice. That's why I am always delighted to happen across a scene so very un-Prescott! And practically downtown, at that. As the headline says, I am curious as to whether this is a sheet or a blanket; obviously it's too dang big to hang as one of those cutsey thematic flags. Further: where would one go to buy a sheet or a blanket with skull and crossbones motif? Maybe on-line or possibly over at the Harley shop on Whiskey Row?


  1. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Maybe they are Oakland Raider's fans.

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Skull Valley General Store?

  3. Granny J..I clicked on it, and the fabric certainly doesn't look like sheet material!

    It almost looks like fleece, so maybe it's a bedspread..or even a room-size rug, but either thanks!

    The world is spooky enough, as it is! :)

  4. steve -- okay...

    style -- good guess!

    jan -- you're right, it sure does look like fleece. Then I vote for blanket!

  5. Yup, I vote blanket. Skull & Cross bones were very popular with the young'uns a year or so ago. They were on shoes,shirts,dresses, scarves,EVERYTHING!!! I guess it's just another weird fad. Maybe prompted by the Pirates of the Carribean movies popularity?

  6. Makes one wonder about the rest of the decor.

  7. cassie -- no, I think that every kid harbors an inner biker that just has to have the latest skull design to shock the elders. Even I managed to get a Tshirt with a skull from the boys' dept. at WallyWorld.

    jarart -- well, I suppose that stuff from Dead Things down in Yarnell would be a bit too upscale.
