Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My beribboned neighbor & other dogs

Meet Cain. He's my next door neighbor, out on one of his regular walks, complete with favorite frisbee. He would much rather have seen cat Max than a dull old human photographer. Below are his recent ribbons, won at a competition down in the Verde Valley, for which I congratulate this handsome Australian shepherd.

And here is Georgene's Posey, who was carried halfway across the country to her new home by a free pet transportation service. She's still a shy girl, but coming out of it.

Scout and Ruby (guess which dog she is) are two of Bob and Patty's three. Ruby is a recent adoptee.

And here's Whiskey Row's dog amenity. Considering how many dogs are walked at The Square, I wonder just how often that bucket has to be refilled.


  1. Am sold on the design of the dog amenity. Very creatively done.

    In ancient India the kings made available such amenities to animals in their kingdoms, something you still get to see in the few instances that abound in the hinterland by wells where folks draw water using ropes.

    The ribbons are quite an achievement. Such distinct character each has.

  2. Of course, you know I love this post! I don't think I have ever seen the watering post on Whiskey Row but I rarely get down there when I'm in town.

  3. Anonymous2:49 PM

    is the red dog a queensland healer to?

  4. anil -- very thoughtful of the ancient kings and your hinterland folks, as well as the Whiskey Row saloon...

    qd -- I was sure that you would like this post; you should get down to the Square on occasion -- it really is quite fun.

    pas-ad -- Ruby's person said that a "lot of her is Rhodesian Ridgeback" but that's all they know about her genetics.
