Sunday, May 31, 2009

End of May neighborhood walk

And so I set out on another short neighborhood walk. Good reasons this time: first, to see what the unusual, slightly damp weather has wrought amongst the plants and, second, to take a look at progress on the old house that was gutted, then sat for several weeks with nothing happening. I did get a chance to talk to one of the owners who explained that the venerable structure had always been in her family. At last, the new addition is moving along expeditiously and should at least double the size of the building.

A discovery which had been in front of my nose all along -- another old brick structure with bolts, tho these might have to do with holding the garage roof up. Further along this alley: a basket of artificial flowers adorning a utility pole.

Which is not to deprecate green, growing things, which, having received more May water than they were expecting, have responded with gusto. Here, a volunteer hollyhock on the alley, with buds ready to burst into flower.

The wild four o'clock along the alley are lush with blossoms -- very early. But much, much earlier is the lone aster below. Poor thing must think that it is August, which is when asters are scheduled. (Even my wild asters that get regular watering wait until the proper time of year to produce flowers.)

This neat little garden belongs to one of the little cottages that fronts on the alley.

The neighborhood vines are thoroughly greened out and looking for new territory to climb and conquer. The grape (above) has, to my knowledge, never set fruit, though it blooms every year. On the other hand, a Virginia creeper (below) is about to flower; this vine always sets those big dark berries that consist entirely of one big seed.

More vines: in this case, wisteria, with one lone panicle, tho if you look closely below, you'll see that the expanding vine is ready to grab any unwary passers-by.

Yet one more vine: honeysuckle. Unfortunately, it is still not possible to capture the fragrance electronically. Surely the bright boys and girls of Silicon Valley should be able to remedy this shortcoming Real Soon Now.

On Park Avenue, there stands a small tree, possibly a locust. Today I realized that this was not a single tree but five or six twined about one another. Strange! And, below, my final botanical note of the day: the Spanish broom is abloom and quite thoroughly covered with brilliant yellow pea-type flowers. Quite as fragrant as the honeysuckle, but headier.

I close with trees of a mineral sort: manganese "trees" on a small slab of granite that I've seen many times but never Seen.


  1. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Nice flora. Good shots.

  2. I love old architecture. Now I will watch for the bolting around here. I'm curious as to the time period.

  3. A wonderful walk about...thanks for taking us along:)

  4. The Spanish bloom reminds me of spring the monsoon winds are about to blow away soon.

    Wondrous friendships are to be had on walking trails, whispers passing to and fro as familiar feet come walking by.

    Surely there must be some connection made.

  5. steve -- as you can tell, I am quite in love with flowers of all types -- wild and tame, local and exotic!

    pb -- old buildings are a constant reminder that the past lives on.

    changes -- always glad to have company on my walks...

    anil -- so in India, the monsoon winds happen in the spring? Ours come later in the summer, though we have had an unsual late spring rainy spell. As for companionship on walks, I am usually alone and wouldn't be very good company as I am focused on the world around me.
