Saturday, May 09, 2009

Rocks in an iron cage

Rocks in a cage -- how else to describe the unusual "multilithic" entrance to Yavapai College, our local community college. Certainly is an effective way to create a monument.

Neat view of the landscaping, which, in turn is quite neat.

Of course, the big question is what kind of rocks are those and where did they come from. Certainly not local; I don't believe we have that many reddish stones in the entire Prescott area. From a distance, I speculated a volcanic origin, but now, looking at the close-ups, my guess is sandstone trucked in from quarries up near Ash Fork. Either that or a spray paint job, which I kinda doubt.

Even with a bright sun, the rocks still match the rust of the wire cage holding them. Also, sandstone continuously gives off a reddish dust, which would help maintain a uniform color cast to the entire unit.

During my walk through the college sculpture garden, I spied a retaining wall also using caged rocks. However, in this case, the stones look like river rock; the only red is from the rust. I wonder, just incidentally, how long that wire will hold up. The LH and I were shocked at how fast iron rusts in the arid desert air; credit cold nights, which lead to early morning dew. And rust.

Linkage: Read all about it -- the dotter was quoted in the New York Times! Speaking of news -- what with a big election, the recession and swine flu, we havent been treated to any UFO reports for some little time. A remedy can be found at All News Web. For a fascinating potpouri, click on over to Environmental Graffiti; for superb scientific photography, the site to visit again and again is Photo Synthesis.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Interesting way to make walls. They will last as long as the fence holding them in.

  2. Wonderful pics and, again, a wonderful eye for seeing them!

  3. I vaguely recall seeing caged rocks in a dry river/creek bed, the purpose probably being to protect a bank subject to erosion.


  4. Great look. I think the technique originated in Louisiana? Cajun Rocks? ;^)

    For a slightly different look, here are some caged round river rocks at a park down in Scottsdale:

  5. Melanie A.6:32 PM

    A prominent example of incarcerated rocks is the Dominus Winery in Yountville, CA:

    Wonder if it's a cheaper approach than poured concrete. Easier on the eyes, IMO.

  6. Granny J, keeping myself from staying here reading for HOURS is extremely difficult. But there isn't time, not yet...

    so I have to stop myself here: Happy Mother's Day to you. The dotter's accomplishment can't be making that so difficult, either. Good on you both!

  7. steve -- exactly! I just wonder how long the fencing is good for.

    cat-A -- thank you kindly, Cat...

    bro -- you may have seen them out near Granite Basin Lake, where a wash had a weir made from caged riprap.

    warren -- whoa! Everybody should take a look at that architecture. Our little display is small potatoes in comparison!

    melanie -- ok, your example is even more interesting! Beaises, I learned a new word -- those wire baskets containing the stones are called gabions. French?

    k -- welcome back, old friend!!!!! How wonderful to have you able to make a comment now and then.
