Sunday, June 07, 2009

Antiques on the Square

If I could reach all the people who are in charge of selecting dates for special events, I would let out a loud scream about the weekend of June 5-June 7. There were the quilts Friday/Saturday at the high school. The street rod show Saturday next the Square. An equine event at the rodeo grounds. The celebration of the Granite Creek downtown trail. Two health related dos. And the Folk Arts Fair at the Sharlot Hall Museum, plus Antiques on the Square. I managed to make the last two events and one health-related seminar. I wish I had been able to take pictures at each and every one of these affairs. Too much in one weekend, guys!!! Spread the goodies across more time next time, please.

Only half the courthouse lawn was occupied by dealers in wondrous things from the past. Whether this is the usual size or larger or smaller, I do not know, this being the first time I've done the show.

What can one say about the array of fascinating things on sale. For instance, pots from the European traditions (above) and from North American Indians (below). Just for the record, the pots below, likely from Mexico, look to be strictly in the collectible category -- they're obviously quite new.

I was surprised that there were so few Indian goods at this show. A handful of rugs, perhaps some jewelry and that's about it.

As befits a commercial civilization, yesterday's products -- at least their packaging -- rank high among collectible categories.

Guinness, Corona and Michelob I've heard of (and enjoyed on occasion). On the other hand, Sunny (below), which looks to be an orange pop, is new to me, though I certainly recall that nickel price for Nehi and Coke. Yes, I've been around for a long time!

One dealer specialized in cowboy paraphernalia, including the Stetson box.

There was even this excellent cowboy statue if you were willing to part with several hundred $$$.

Vintage clothing and ceiling lights with a history...

...a bathtub for Saturday nights in the ountains as well as wickerwork snow shoes.

The old fashioned school desk is an antiquery staple. I suppose there's no reason that the ironing board shouldn't also fall into that class. The well made wooden box on the seat below once held explosives for the mining industry.

Another standby: old dolls from the days when little girls named their own dolls and marketers minded their own business. Are you as offended as I am by all those dolls that are sold complete to name, rank, serial number and a fabricated life history. Whatever happened to imagination or individuality?

The dolls above were just a portion of the merchandise featured by one dealer. He also had a display case chock-a-block full of wee little dolls (below).

More things of childhood: a farm scene and, below, a horsie thingy which I couldn't quite figure out. It looks somewhat like a type of teeter-totter (ooh, verboten these days), but it isn't balanced so that can't be how you play with it. You tell me...

A rocking horse, a doll carriage and, for the boy child, a splendid steam shovel.

And what could be more nostalgic than a crowd of kids on the Courhouse lawn rediscovering the hula hoop. I'm ready to go back in time myself.


  1. Agoodly display of collectables. That steamshovel was nice.


  2. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Even if you couldn't atten them all you got some damn nice shots.

  3. Boy, I agree with you! There was way too much to do. Great pictures - glad I got to see a bit of the sights through you. Love your comments about the dolls! So very true!

  4. bro -- the steam shovel really caught my eye.

    steve -- but I wanted to attend them all! Except may for the health-oriented events, which i find to be depressing.

    frame -- I just discovered another great event happened -- fire dancers at the opening of the Nudes & Nature show over on McCormick on Saturday

  5. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Amazing. I'm speechless.

    ~Anon in AV.

  6. anon av -- too much Stuff will do that to you! I had a hard time picking out the photos to use.

  7. You passed up fire dancers?! Well, I guess you never know with a title like Nudes & Nature...

  8. toni -- the only problem is that I didn't know about 1) the exhibit and 2) the fire dancers. Until way after the fact.

  9. Lovely pics of it all. I love visiting those affairs, even if only by blog!

  10. meggie -- they are a lot of fun. I love all that old stuff; there's something absolutely surreal to discover that items from one's childhood are now considered antique. What does that make one???
