Thursday, July 02, 2009

Biology day camp

As I've mentioned previous summers, the Sson is an ecologist who almost always travels with camera, specimen containers and a fine microscope. What it adds up to for the three grandchildren who've been visiting is a veritable biology day camp.

One granddaughter met a beautiful snake, who assumed the boa position.

Grandson came across more than one Prescott area lizard...

And the littlest granddotter caught herself a polliwog or two. Note that this fellow is well on his way to frogdom.

And everybody pitched in to add various arthropods to Sson's collection, shown here after they emerged from the deep freeze.

Furthermore, the little one had a chance to see wasp larvae through the microscope -- and she was changed from one who goes a girly eeoooh at the sight of a bug into a kid who is quite happy to collect and handle the six-legged critters.


  1. neat pictures, and the boa tie is just in time for the 4th of July western celebrations!

  2. Young'uns getting stuck in to the examination of critters is all too rare.

    Has the ground floor clearance been undertaken?


  3. warren -- ah, a boa bolo...

    bro -- critters are all important! As for your Q, we have a date for this fall, when He retrieves the Pinzgauer from T.Lo.

  4. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Thanks so much for the invite for the bloggers meeting tomorrow - I would love to come but I won't be able to. I've had such a full schedule here in Arizona and enjoyed every minute! Hopefully next trip I'll be able to include Prescott on my itinerary. Have fun and I'll be with you in spirit!

  5. Love the snake! What a wonderful treat for the children to visit you.

  6. susie -- twas a shot in the dark hoping that your schedule in AZ had time also for Prescott, but definitely the next time!

    meggie -- isn't that a handsome creature? Having all three grandkids here at once was wonderful (and they loved seeing one another, too)

  7. Anonymous12:33 AM

    GJ, is that a gopher snake? Enjoyed the post.

  8. Not bad, steve -- it's a Sonoran gopher snake, per the guide books.

  9. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I was into snakes and lizards as a boy.

  10. steve -- as you can imagine, Sson's kids are into all kinds of critters, including bug-type critters. What was great was the change they wrought in the littlest granddotter.
