Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pedaling the gospel

After spending the afternoon at the Square photographing musicians, I'm too tired to spend much time with PhotoShop. Consider this my picture of the day, which speaks for itself.


  1. Steve3:35 AM

    A man with character.

  2. Ah, yes, the things seen at the courthouse!

  3. Lucy -- unexpected, to say the least, but then one sees many offbeat sorts at the Square.

    steve -- on the button!

    tombo -- many thanks for the links, which just goes to show the weakness of The Google. I have a permanent blog search for Prescott & get many candidates, but Sam in AZ never showed up.

    cmarie -- I have one strange friend who NEVER goes to the Courthouse, but then I don't think he has any sense of adventure at all...

  4. I dont know whether to laugh ..or cry..

  5. meggie -- or perhaps applaud.After all, the guy's got a web site and plays the Pacific Coast.
