Sunday, September 27, 2009


I should have taken a picture of this picture when I related the saga of the Apple Pan too. The lady in the teal blue shirt is Marilyn, who for many years presided over the popular restaurant. I dropped by on Friday to score a couple of oatmeal cookies before heading on to an appointment. Sue Ann, the present prop. of the cafe, was good enough to get the photo down and hold it while I took its picture. She said she had not heard word of Marilyn recently. Anyone out there have word?

Linkage: First, interesting posts from recently initiated local blogs: Sam in Az explored the old smelter area down in Humboldt, while Doin' Time blogs about forensics and local law enforcement. A third newcomer, A Bumpy Ride In My Own Mind, does a steady business in book reviews, as well as wondering what the big bacon meme is all about. Other posts that caught my attention: the Mad Bioneer on geeky gardening and my dotter, who met some sandhill cranes up in Alaska.


  1. Time spent exploring new blogs! Interesting. We have noted the bacon craze too.
    Love the Cranes. Thankyou Julie.

  2. meggie -- yr welcome! I was quite interested in the lady who works at the jail and what she had to say.
