Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rocky Raccoon

There is this small culvert along side my little street. It's half-full of soil and heads downhill at a pretty good angle. Imagine my surprise when this fellow (below) popped its head out to stare at me as I walked up the road at dusk. Sorry about the focus -- but I doubt that I'll have this opportunity again. Ever. So I'm going with what I have, being happy in the process. Fie on the camera which was capable of catching the culvert quite nicely, but let me down with the critter.

We have both regular, everyday raccoons and their cousins, ringtailed cats, in the greater Prescott area. I was well aware that we had a coon in my immediate area because of reports from neighbors (and my dotter who spotted one on the back porch). On the other hand, I've only seen a ringtail along the Agua Fria River near the Bloody Basin Crossing. One time only. At a great distance, I might add. Old time miners were said to have made pets of ringtails.


  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    He is adorable! In or out of focus, what a cutie s/he is.

    ~Anon in AV.

  2. anon av -- I'm glad you forgive me the out of focus picture. S/he was mighty cute -- and such an unexpected surprise, too.

  3. How interesting you should post this, as I saw a racoon at Miller Creek and Fair Street a dawn this week! I have seen quite a few of them over the years in Prescott, but I never got a photo. I think they are primarily nocturnal.

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Don't be disappointed over the focus, Granny J. It just makes the raccoon look more mysterious and furtive.

  5. dagny -- I am presuming that if we have one neighborhood raccoon, we probably have a family. Folks along a nearby alley see raccoons regularly and their tracks on their cars even more frequently.

    boonie -- he's so furtive that I was quite taken aback when he popped out of that culvert.

  6. Glad you got his pic, blurry or not!

  7. meggie -- but it would have been so much better if the camera had been behaving.
