Saturday, September 19, 2009

Why I disappeared

GrannyJ, it turns out, is NOT made of steel after all. I was just sprung from the local hospital, after a panic and/or emergency over the past couple of days. Now that it is all over and I am back in my own bed, I'm kicking myself for all the pictures that I did not get. The ER, for instance, is chockablock full of photogenic apparatus -- as the Hollywood guys are well aware.

Friend Patty, who tended to critical details like notifying the relatives and delivering me home, brought the camera after I was ensconced in a less highly equipped double room, where I took this handful of pix for the memory blog.

Here are the privacy curtains and twin TVs. Not being a TV person, I think I might have made good headway on War and Peace in the past couple of days. Below, the controls on the hospital bed.

However, the most remarkable event of all was having a transportation person, who showed up to move me down to to a lab, look at me and say, "Why, you're GrannyJ, aren't you!" Made me feel like a celebrity, it did. But then, I've never had a bad experience at our local hospital -- all part of living in a very cool smallish mountain town.


  1. Now, you didn't mention *that* particular detail to me, mamasan! How cool, to be recognized by your hospital personnel! I'm very glad you're back home; we were worried.

  2. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Hoping all is well with you from Germany.


  3. Well, what you gotta do to get recognized! Glad your home and feeling better.

  4. Tell you what....if you die we are going to bury you with a camera and I'll bet you will send pictures back LOL....glad you are home and hope all is okay.

  5. I'm so glad that you are safe at home. You know that all your friends and fans were praying for your speedy recovery. LUV U LOTS !!

  6. Just heard about your troubles as I was on vaca and the wireless internet was touch and go. Hope you are on the mend.

  7. Hi!
    Happy to hear that you're doing okay.

    Not the least bit surprised you're a local celeb... :D

  8. I'm glad to hear you are back home again, wishing you all the best!

  9. Jean W11:35 AM

    Glad to hear they let you out and you're back safe if not quite sound. I was worried but glad it turned out okay. Here's hoping for a speedy and FULL recovery and better luck with the next one.

  10. Everybody -- thanks! It's wonderful to have such a circle of personal and web friends. I promise to have a camera buried with me & to send pix.

  11. I was beginning to wonder where you went. Glad to know your ok. You were missed.

  12. Wow, I slip out to visit the family and look what I find when I get back! *whew* Praying for you! Glad you are home.

    hehe - your photos gave me 'flash backs' lol! And I have to admit that I never thought to take my camera there. Next time try the Spanish TV station - great game shows. hehe - btw, I don't speak Spanish - made them doubly enjoyable. lol!

  13. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Who but Granny J would smuggle a camera into the ER and make a post of it!

    Welcome back to the real world.

  14. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Forgot something. I'll bet the legal department of the hospital would be delighted to know that patients are equipped with cameras.

    Oh great. That means from now on there will be searches at the entry door, metal detectors (not that there is any metal in these digital cameras), cavity searches, etc.

  15. Holy Cow! Sorry to hear about the hospital stay but very pleased to know you're home and well again. Had to laugh at the celebrity recognition. You can run but you can't hide!

  16. Anonymous9:40 PM


    ~Anon in AV.

  17. I trust all is well with you!

  18. wow, everybody -- the response is so very heartwarming. I know what to do the next time I want to hear from everybody!!!

    As for sneaking my camera into the ER -- I wasn't quite that with it when I went in. Twas only after I had been in stir for a day that I remembered to request that a friend bring it. BTW, my policy is always to try photographing in a more or less public place until shut down. I do very little picture taking of strangers if identifiable.

  19. Melanie A.1:44 PM

    Holy cow! Welcome back, and wishing you quick recovery!

  20. I can't help but laugh Julie! You end up in the hospital, and the first thing you ask for upon recovering your senses is your camera! You are truly a gem.

    Glad to hear you are on the mend. :)

  21. Sorry to read that you have been hospitalised and hope you are now on the mend.
    (Can they yet surgically attach a camera to your person? Might be an idea)
