Monday, October 19, 2009

Come on, guys, it's a Z

My neighbor first caught the new spelling. Like me, he did not think to record a picture of one of the signs with the correct -- or at least previous -- spelling, A-Z-T-E-C, referring to the indigenous people of Mexico City.

By the time I had a chance to take pictures, the mistake had been compounded. No evidence left that the little one and a half block long alley street had ever been known by a different name. Except on city maps, of course, and in the county real estate/tax records.

OK, I thought, I'll give the city roads department one more chance to get off the hook. Maybe, if I check The Google, I'll discover that there's an alternative spelling that's recently come into vogue. I found that there's Astec Models (radio-controlled racing boats) ... Advanced Science and Technology Education Charter schools ... Astec Inc, manufacturer of hot-mix asphalt ... Astec Industries who design/engineer/manufacture components for road building. No, we simply have a case of misspelling a street name, plain and simple. Maybe they'll correct it one of these days.


  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Grrrr.... Sheesh. Inexcusable, especially in the Southwest.

    Well, for everyone's enjoyment, here's a video from Weird Al Yankovic about grammar:

    ~Anon in AV.

  2. Exactly what I was going to say! GGRRRR! Are they dyslexic?? Or merely ignorant...

  3. or they just don't care!

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Iz don't see noz problem with the spelling!

  5. Me, I'd call the Streets and Whatever Dept of your fair city and tell them. Claim discrimination against an indigenous group's descendants plus spelling error. Always fun to make waves among the local town fathers. With your flare with words you should be able to make a scathing letter. Think of all those butts that can get chewed out, all those bucks passed amf the fingers pointed.

  6. Anonymous1:16 PM

    OOoooohhhhh, I like JeanW's idea.


    ~Anon in AV.

  7. Change all of the signs and watch the taxes go up. It was probably planned.

  8. anon av -- at first, I thought tht this ight be some up-to-date form of PC, which is why I consulted The Google.

    meggie -- not from the Southwest, obviously.

    lady -- actually, they went to some trouble, as first one sign was changed and then, a couple of days later, the other two were changed to match.

    style -- don't let them get ahold of your Sombie Walk on Halloween...

    jeanW -- the good ole fathers have already got a bit of undigestible gunk on their plates, what with the fight about our council election. Of course, this makes it an even more entertaining time to pick on them.

    anon av -- see above

    steve -- of course, that's always a good possibility.

  9. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Sorry to chime in so late...a street sign was replaced by our house a yr or so ago: "Sierra Prietta" (at the top of Park Ave.) with an extra t added. It used to be a drive, but that seems to be missing as well.

  10. anon #3 -- looks like our city streets department is hiring graduates of schools that think that good self-esteem beats out spelling prowess any day.
