Saturday, October 31, 2009

Four visiting raptors (plus a raven)

Thanks, Dagny! Your email reminded me that once again, the raptors would be visiting Jay's Bird Barn. Today, from 11 to 2 p.m. Which turned out to be the big 6th anniversary party for the birding and nature store over near the Willow Creek Safeway.

There was quite a crowd. Plenty of food.

And a pair, big and small, of fine hoedown fiddlers. That was outdoors.

Once inside, I headed for the visiting raptors. Their caretaker (right, above) explains that the birds are rescue creatures that would never survive if freed. Present on this occasion:

A night heron (above). Below, a great horned owl (seated above a picture of another great horned owl.)

A Harris hawk (above) and (below) a goshawk, who didn't appreciate the crowd one little bit.

A closer view of the goshawk and (below) a raven.

Jay's has everything needed by the avid birder, or folks who simply provide food and/or housing for their neighborhood birds. Those gourds, for example, are a cut above yesterday's kitschy bird houses, don't you think?

Nature flags, a fine assortment of critter Tshirts, tschotkes (below), plus a really excellent collection of field manuals for the Prescott, Northern Arizona and Sonoran desert areas are also available at the store. Not to mention jigsaw puzzles and binoculars, among other items.

The big question: why the African clothing worn by the fiddler or this throw that features African critters and patterns. It turns out that Eric Moore, owner of Jay's, has just returned from a big birding tour of southern Africa. You can read all about it over at The Courier.

OK, a Halloween Link or Two: In reality, I'm just showing off the family. First, the pink granddotter rock star. Second, the most excellent gingerbread house, made by OmegaDad, a true artiste.


  1. Super post. The birds up close is a nice touch. Good job.

  2. Love to see those birds, rescued, & offered life, above death. thanks.

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I love that owl photo. What is it about those guys?

  4. steve -- this was a wonderful chance to get close enough to the birds to do portraits!

    meggie -- agreed

    boonie -- owls have their own brand of fascination for us human types.
