Friday, October 23, 2009

GrannyJ meets a nomad blogger

One of the rewards of blogging is the people you chance to meet. Strangers from your own town as well as people from the other side of the world. Over time, they become good friends; periodically, you are lucky enough to meet up in person. As happened on Friday, when Lloyd of Wandrin' showed up in Prescott to share a cuppa over at Wild Iris. He is a genuine nomad, American-style, which means his home is his RV ... has been for nearly 10 years of wandering. Time enough to collect 39 Hawaiian shirts, for example.

Did I mention that there is a crowd of RV bloggers, many of them permanent nomads? Quite unlike most Americans, according to Newsweek, which says that as recently as the 1970s as many as one in five people moved annually; by 2006, long before the current recession took hold, that number was 14 percent, the lowest rate since the census starting following movement in 1940. Since then tougher times have accelerated these trends, in large part because opportunities to sell houses and find new employment have dried up. In 2008, the total number of people changing residences was less than those who did so in 1962, when the country had 120 million fewer people. The stay-at-home trend appears particularly strong among aging boomers, who are largely eschewing Sunbelt retirement condos to stay tethered to their suburban homes—close to family, friends, clubs, churches, and familiar surroundings.

Wild Iris -- the coffee house for grown-ups -- was the perfect place to meet. The out-of-towner couldn't resist inspecting the giant credenza. We agreed that it must have originally come from an upscale yard goods or perhaps jewelry or notions store -- just look at all those shallow drawers. We also agreed that back alleys and old highway routes can be far more interesting than modern routes from here to there.

In addition to the Hawaiian shirts, my nomad friend also collects electronic toys, especially those that allow him to save space. And so I had my first hands-on experience of Amazon's Kindle ebook. It's pretty cool. Maybe, when the price comes down a couple of notches, I'll buy one. Thanks for the chat, the cuppa and the ebook introduction, Lloyd.


  1. Grey nomads are fairly numerous thisaway; although their mode of transport dominantly comprises caravans(trailers).

    That which is called an RV is a very pricey commodity here.


  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Based on your last photo:

    As if driving while yakking on the cellphone isn't bad enough, now they are reading Kindles while driving. Just what I needed, as a cyclist. (groan and grin)


  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    How fun for you and Lloyd to meet up!

    Please do share any time you have a mini blogfest with another blogging friend. It's wonderful to watch how the world opens up through our online connections.

    And, I can't wait to visit the Wild Iris.

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. I recently did the same thing with 2 Colorado bloggers. It's really fun to put faces to the names and writings.

    PS: I fully intend to become a nomad. Just as soon as I can sucker someone into staying home and tending my gardens. Know anybody who'll trade their RV for a run down ski shack?

  5. Enjoyed reading that you met a fellow blogger. I always wonder if anyone wants to meet up... So are you gettin' a Kindle? My mom wants one for Christmas... She says the library is shutting down and moving too far away for her to drive to check out books, so the Kindle is her salvation.

  6. How nice to meet a fellow blogger! They have only just introduced the Kindle here in Oz. I dont want to become a Nomad, grey or otherwise. I am too fond of my home! I do love to travel if & when I can, but always need a home base.

  7. Wild Iris - great pick for a place to meet. What fun =) Great to meet a 'cyber friend' in 3D - hehe!

  8. bro -- I suspect that we have an inter-English communication problem here. Or perhaps I don't know all the in-group lingo. Wandrin' has some sort of camper that is pulled by his Silver Slug, a beefy pick-up truck.

    boobie -- I suppose I can imagine reading while driving, though I picture using a Kindle more likely while strolling in an English countryside.

    anon av -- will do! Mainly it's been the local bloggers that I have met over an extended period of time.

    kate -- As I read your concern about your gardens, I wouldn't advise anyone to take up up on that trade offer...

    brenda -- as one overwhelmed with two lifetime book habits, the Kindle looks to be a real time/space saver.

    meggie -- my LH believed that you couldn't begin to know any place new without living there at least a year, and so we travelled mainly about the local (Yavapai) county back roads over the years.

    frame -- like I said, it's a coffee house for grown-ups and a great place for meet ups.

  9. The Wild Iris looks lovely; you and Cat show some really interesting interiors in your part of the world, very stylish.

    I've generally enjoyed meeting other bloggers, though I find small or one-to-ones are often better than larger more mixed gatherings...

  10. lucy -- Wild Iris is an excellent spot, which makes me worry about it in these tight times. As for bloggers, I've found that the ones I have met are all very interesting people, well worth getting to know.
