Sunday, November 29, 2009

Art Walk on McCormick

After reading a big write-up in the Courier, I decided that I should take a gander at what was happening in the so-called McCormick Street Arts District for the 4th Friday Art Walk. The short walk extended from the sign above near Gurley Street to the sign below at the Willis Street end. Of course, I had to show up early, as it would have been dark at opening hour (6 p.m.), though I'm sure I missed a lot, including fire dancers.

The action included thrift shop and collectibles as well as art: Ripple Repeats (above) and the House of Plenty (below).

The real art action had been organized primarily by Eye on the Mountain Gallery, which featured huge panels assembled and painted by Kingman artist Mikel Weisser.

An example: a conquistador among the barren Mexican mountains (above, below). Weisser told the Courier that he works with found and cast-off materials, as well as left-over paints.

More of his work. The street showing was organized because the gallery was too small to really hold and highlight Weisser's big works.

The main feature was a five panel description of the stages in a mountain sunset. The panels were distributed among the galleries and shops taking part in the street fair. Number one is above, the subsequent panels follow in order below.

I have to admit Weisser's art is more likely to get my vote than his politics, which you can read about at his blog "from the left coast of Arizona." Read it here.


  1. Thank God it wasn't uncontained trash pick up day for Weisser. All of his stuff piled in front of the shanty would have ended up in the dumper!

  2. style -- down boy!! As for me, I really like those multi-dimensional mountains, thought they'd be hell to keep dusted!

  3. Sorry Granny J for using your comments for my soapbox.
    Weisser’s stuff from Trashfork is so amateurish looking; I just had to mention it.
    I know I project a similar image, but I do it on purpose.
    I owe you one!

  4. style -- well, it's not that often that my blog stirs up a tad of controversy...
