Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back country Prescott

Happy and unhappy mailboxes -- a clue to the current state of ranching/farming in a part of the city that's destined to become just one more huge real estate development. The buildings on some spreads have been left to the elements; others are kept in repair and in use. All are on the dirt road between new 89A and old 89A, about which I posted recently.

A forgotten house in the cottonwoods (above) and a shed that's shedding (below).

It would appear that one barn is disintegrating, while others are kept in good repair on this farm (above).

Looking at the barn (above), I wasn't sure of its condition until I zoomed in (below).

And here (above, below) is a corral (or two) evidently no longer in use.

On the other hand, this spread (above, below) has an interesting history. It was, until the early 19aught30s, known as the northern Arizona dry farm, an ag experiment property run by the University of Arizona for 15 or more years to determine the best agricultural uses and practices for the dry, cool Prescott climate. The property has been in private hands since the U of A closed its operation and still looks to be quite busy.


  1. Shades of Baseline Rd.


  2. Ranching and agriculture are a way of the past in this area. Oh yeah, I miss all the flower farms on Baseline Rd.

  3. So sad to see the farms rundown. We have lots of that, too, here in California.

  4. The first ranch is the one in my post on February 11. It's sad to see it in such bad shape.
    I stood right where you did to get a shot of the second ranch a few months ago but haven't posted it yet. That one is still active from the looks of it. The town is closing in on both of them.

  5. bro -- as we saw it 10 years ago; these days, I would guess a row of foreclosure notices replacing the worn out farm houses.

    lady -- it's too bad we don't have an equally productive way of life for our future here. BTW, when did the flower farms start down along Baseline? It certainly was after my time there, which was the 30s.

    sandy -- at least Calif still sees farms as an important part of the economy, unlike AZ, which sees them as potential water allocation sources for more tract homes.

    jarart -- it's too bad that the West is disappearing right under our noses. But, looking at the results of our last election, it looks like suburban development is what the voters want -- that's what they voted for.

  6. I'm not sure when the Baseline flower gardens started but reading the comments made me remember that I have pictures of them that my father-in-law took in 1955. I used to love to go there and the air was full of flower fragrance. I posted them on my flickr sight if you want to take a peek.

  7. It's like that around here, too. There is only 1 working ranch left in this area. Makes me sad.

  8. jarart -- it sounds as I suspected -- that interned Japanese-Americans who were released began the flower farming business post-WWII. As I said, this was long after my childhood time on Baseline Rd. Thanks for the link; wonderful old buildings in Quincy IL, which I would never have known othrwise.

    kate -- it is very sad-making.

  9. I remember the flower farms on Baseline, too - we used to take field trips (lol - no pun inteneded =p) there when I was in grade school.

    Great photos - though very sad to see so many places falling apart.

  10. frame -- it's too bad, but true, that ruins and near-ruins make wonderful photographicsubjects...
