Friday, November 13, 2009

Leaves at night

And at dusk, as in the picture above, over at the Sam Hill Warehouse; I was pushing my camera to get any sort of image in the light that was available, to be perfectly honest.

This autumn's rose leaves, helped along by the flash.

And my favorite, a catalpa over on South Montezuma, caught back in aught-07. If I remember correctly, street lighting was sufficient for this picture.


  1. Good night shots. Mine always come out blurry.

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Soon the leaves will fall as winter approaches. If all works well, will be at The Courthouse Lighting on 12/5.

    The defoliated trees on the square do look sad to me, but allow for more visual "room" for the Christmas lights to glow.

    ~Anon in AV.

  3. On a hike, a few weeks ago, I mentioned your advice about back lighting and sun shining through the leaves to KC. We worked diligently experimenting with that but it didn't turn out so great... Yours always do. We'll keep trying. :D

  4. Does the sunshine drop very early in the autumn? Late afternoon Sun always makes for pretty pictures.

  5. steve -- I have more than my share of those, too...

    anon av -- the Christmas Lighting is always a good time to come to Prescott! See ya.

    kate -- try different angles; sometimes there's a problem with everything simply washing out.

    anil -- it's almost dark by about 5:30 p.m. at this point. But certainly a lot better than the dotter suffers up in Alaska, where the noon light is about like our twilight.

  6. Oh, brrrrr! Alaska *shivers* must go light a fire and snuggle up with my camera to take pictures of the flames...

    Nice photos - night is really hard for my little camera to capture.

  7. frame -- it's bad enuf in Alaska that my dotter has to get an Arizona fix by the time the winter solstice rolls around or she will suffer from light deprivation.

  8. *double shivers* GJ - guess I was not made for the cold weather! I can't imagine what it would be like with that little daylight... trying to imagine that, but my little brain just can't grasp it =p
