Friday, November 20, 2009

Ugg naughts

Winter is on its way, bringing thoughts of cold feet. I must say that if I'd had a pair of boots like these (above), I might not have left Chicago. Those are my first pair of not-Uggs, a $25 special from Costco three years ago. And, just to underscore my cold-weather dedication to all footwear that is shearling-lined, below are my well worn, scuzzy but cozy slippers.

You can understand how my eye was caught by these Ugg knock-offs over at the local WallyMart. But even made in China, a $10 boot couldn't possibly include the all-important shearling lining. Of course these did not. But seeing them reminded me that the lining of my current boots was wearing down; I wondered what Costco might have on hand this year (and how the price might compare.)

As luck would have it, I scored yesterday! A black pair would have been grand, but then our world is just too dusty for black. The chestnut color (above) was a good compromise. As much as I'd like to own the Real Thing and support the Australian economy, $37 beats $100+ any day.

Here's my new pair of Ugg-naughts. I'm ready for whatever this winter might bring!


  1. You didn't explain how you get your feet into these mukluks, or, having once done so, how do you walk without slipping and peeling.

    I've never had shoes with warm and fuzzy stuff like that inside. I've found that a regular pair of shoes, one size too big, allows room for a warmer sock and allows your toes to wiggle.


  2. azlaydey7:03 AM

    Warm feet make a happy person :)

  3. boonie/kabloona??? -- are you changing personae? As for the boots -- it's only a small struggle to get them on and off, as for stability when walking, I generally us a staff when I am doing a walk, so with three arms am quite OK. As the lady below remarks, warm feet = happy.

    lady -- for a couple of months last year, I had furnace problems. I rediscovered my big wool sweater & wore the non-Uggs indoors to prevent icicle-ization.

  4. Those will keep a pair of feet nice and warm. I think my feet would be sweating after an hour.

  5. Oh, yummy warmth!!! I am so cold all winter that I live in my sweatshirts and a jacket... inside =p These look so comfy and warm - I will have to check them out on the next Costco run =) Thanks for the heads up =)

  6. frame -- polartec & shearling -- the two keys to a warm winter. Of course, there's also my big baggy wool sweater.

  7. I heard there'd been an epidemic of athlete's foot among young British girls in the last year or so, owing to the fashion for Ugg boots even in warm weather. It always amazes me that a climate like Australia's should have produced such a thing. Anyway, I seriously hanker for a pair...

  8. lucy -- it's all those sheep, I would guess. I can't begin to imagine wearing Uggs (or my Ugg-nauts) in warm weather! Have you no large, big box-ish stores that import knock-offs from China in your world?
