Saturday, December 19, 2009

The big Christmas bazaar

I don't know how many different non-profits were there today with their wares, but the Sparkes Activity Center was full of tables that were full of goodies, seasonal or suitable for gifting. To give an idea of the range of groups present: the snowmen above were made by members of the Gourd Patch, a club of gourd fanciers, while the gingerbread tree ornament below was on sale at the Heritage Park zoo's booth.

Other holiday wares that caught my eye: the Christmas clock (above) and the flurry of white handkerchiefs (below).
But there were also a handful of "paintings" made by elephants! Huh? Apparently kids from one of the local charters are raising money for a trip to Thailand (see below) and loaded up on exotic items from that SE Asian nation.

Above, just one of the tee shirts from the Highland Center collection -- very unfortunately, I had already bought a nature tee for the Sson (who collects), though I did find suitable tops for the SDIL and the grandson.

Miss Kitty has a new tee and a sweat shirt -- perhaps to celebrate the move of their cat house to a new location on South Alarcon. Also on display (and/or sale), two cat quilts. The fine example below was a prize in a drawing.

Other handmades for sale: quilted items above, and old-fashioned rag dolls, below.

Chris Hoy was there to promote his book, proceeds of which all go to the Elks Opera House renovation. The dressy ladies below were also promoting the Opera House -- seems to me we always have somebody in historic costume at civic events in Prescott, though I didn't see any cowboys today.

Other giftables -- a wooden panda and Indian jewelry, the latter on sale by the Smoki Museum.

Perhaps my favorite of all the items on the floor -- earrings made from feathers of the Heritage Park peacocks. Already I'm kicking myself for not buying the set! I'll be sure to make the big bazaar scene next year -- this was great fun!


  1. Love the gourd snowmen but the other things were nice too.

  2. A most interesting eclectic collection home brew pressie material. Malaria tee shirt is particularly nice.

    Say hi to OM.


  3. Great finds =) Love the Panda!

  4. What a vibrant and involving community Prescott seems, Granny. I place on record my enjoyment of reading your postings and seeing your images of a small US town far from the UK.
    A Very Happy Christmas to you and yours (and it sounds like a busy one too!)

  5. windy -- the gourd works were especially neat -- so much so that I have a separate sequence of pix for a new post Real Soon Now.

    bro -- I think I hve a ride out to the Nature Center where I can buy one of those mosquito tees for the Sson...

    frame -- you'll have to make the scene at the bazaar next year!

    avus -- small town America is a very special place; most such towns are unique & all very different from one another.

    Merry Christmas to One and All!!!
