Monday, December 14, 2009

More storm aftermath

A crane looked out over Park Avenue this afternoon. A downed tree, my neighbor told me, urging friend Patty and me to cut the Scrabble game short and hie out to the car to go take a look. Which we did. The view from the alley showed 1) a lop-sided Arizona cypress that appeared to have lost most of its limbs on the left side and 2) another cypress whose upper trunk may have been broken off.

Here's the scene on the Park Avenue side of the historic mansion. As best we could tell, a huge trunk was squashing a car that's hiding behind the crane. If you peer past the crane (below), you might get a better view of the tree that lost the top of its trunk -- a side show to the main action.

This is the downed tree trunk -- and, below, the remaining stump.

Piles of slash all over the place -- and firewood for the taking (below). When did the tree topple? No idea, but I'm sure that the high winds earlier this week played a major role.

Those winds did a job on a shed at our cottage down in Wilhoit, as well. The roof blew into the lot next door, the former walls were all over the place...

And file cabinets that haven't been opened since the LH and I moved to Arizona were left standing, lonely, in the cold. Thanks to Chris for the photos.


  1. Ah, I sense mysteries solved once you tackle those file boxes!

  2. bro -- safely in the garage.

    cat-A -- I don't need any more pieces of paper! Whatever history those boxes hold will rest in the county dump.

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I thought I got the "drift" and then I got to the last pic. Wow! That one really says it!

    And the tree-toppling tragedy; those are yours, right?
    It makes me wish I lived in Prescott, so your blog could keep me up with the latest...

    Oh yeah, I really enjoyed the "Early Prescott" piece about the painting. What a find!

  4. Dramatic days indeed.

    Here's wishing all in your neck of the woods a very peaceful holiday season.

    Dublin is ablaze with colourful lights.

  5. deck -- I was lucky --I only have two major pines & neither got blown down in the recent storm.

    woody -- thank you for the holiday sentiments and the same right back to you! Thank you also for the wonderful pictures from Ireland!
