Monday, March 01, 2010

The left-handed gun

Before he left for bayou country, Sson hung several paintings, prints and other pictures to make new home feel more like my home. Here's one of my favorites -- and its story, at least as much as I know. When we moved into Prescott from Wilhoit in the mid 80s, we had plenty of room, and large white expanses of wall. Time to think about art. At that time, there was a gallery in the St. Michael Alley two doors down from Ernie's Hotel California. A young artist guy showed up who needed fast money to finance his more serious work. He had whipped out several hand-colored wood block prints with a western theme (always a best seller in Arizona.) The catch was that the prints were based upon Hollywood studio b&w publicity photos. This particular picture was a promotion for The Left-Handed Gun, a major production about Billy the Kid, with Paul Newman playing The Kid. And, yes, though I generally don't buy into the self-conscious Western Art meme, I had to have this print. I leave it to you to figure out which of the guys is Newman.


  1. Considering he was playing Billy the Kid, who supposedly was left-handed, I'd assume it's the guy on the left, holding his gun in his left hand.

  2. So glad you are able to share with us and are enjoying improving health. I have been out of the country and not able to get blogs, so was surprised to catch up on your recent saga... hope spring will bring a new spring to your step and that you'll be out and about before long!

  3. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Ahhhh, art on the walls.

    So glad your new digs are getting the HGTV treatment.

    Design on a Dime? ;-)

    Loved the alligator lizard. Such a handsome creature.

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. I go with the guy on the the concept of art with a story.

  5. cat-A -- yep, no confusion there...

    sandy -- I too hope that spring will bring more spring to my steps!

    anon av -- I doubt that HGTV would ever put bed pillows on the futon...

    changes -- I'd sure like the rest of the story. Like the name of the artist, did he go on to bigger and better things, etc.

  6. An interesting story. I say the lefthanded Paul Newman was probably the one on the left in the pic... but cannot really see a likeness to him!
