Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wicker critters

As a young girl, I wrapped myself up in the Oz books. Read and reread them. Even so, I did not really understand about the amoral sorcerer who lived in a wickerwork castle, surrounded with everything wickerwork. I guess I was too shy to ask what was this stuff, wickerwork. Certainly mysterious. No Google for a quick look-up, either.

However, I'm happy to note that I'm older, wiser -- and fond of wickerwork! On my first visit to The Periodot, I was quite taken with this dog. Since that day, I've met an excellent wicker collection of critters.

Not only are there similar dogs lurking about the public spaces, but also several rabbits.

At one staircase landing, a wicker monkey rides the back of a wicker dog.

This bird sits in the midst of a geranium plant at the entry way... the company of this monkey.

And, why not! That geranium is in full bloom. It's spring, after all!

Linkage: Derek, who charts all the local trails, is now posting pictures as he checks out the routes; he reports that a new beaver dam has appeared up at the Verde headwaters. And, if you're into cats, take a look at all the videos at Simon's Cat. Another video, a spectacular animation of the ashes spreading from that Icelandic volcano.


  1. Wonderful photos, Julie. Good to see you working again!

  2. Wow - those are really cool! I remember that we had little wicker chairs when we were kids. I love the look and feel of wicker.

  3. We had a wicker chair, as I recall, I didn't sit in it much as I had a tender bum (butt). Teddy Joe and Julius Otto occupied it until it met it's fate (unknown).


  4. Very cool. For me, it was the Chronicles of Narnia. I would literally read them in my closet in high hopes the back wall of the closet would give way and I'd find myself in Narnia. (A fine example of how impressionable I was as a kid.:-)

  5. cat-A -- it's great to be back behind the camera & sitting at the keyboard!

    frame -- as a matter of fact, I had a little wicker rocker, though I did not know that is what it was...

    bro-- see above.

    kate -- Narnia came too late for me, so Oz it was.

  6. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Sigh. Wicker and my allergies don't mix. And, I do love wicker patio furniture.

    ~Anon in AV.

  7. Lots of work to make them.

  8. Really amazing.

    Thank you for sharing.

  9. anon av -- I never thought about the possibility of wicker allergies!

    steve -- that's what the Third World is for...

    woody -- glad you enjoyed them.
