Sunday, December 17, 2006

103--Count 'em--103

Birthdays, that is! It was a big day for Mom, who was born in Phoenix at the turn of the last century, back when cars were very few and far between and radio had as yet to be invented.

Today we celebrated her birthday, first with a small family luncheon, which included two grandnieces down from the high country, as well as my small family.

It was an early goodbye to Mom's greatgrandaughter and granddaughter.

And over to a bigger party with friends she has made while living at her assisted living facility.

A pleasant and quite unexpected surprise came from a large group of carolers from Unity church. The wandering minstrels added "Happy Birthday" to their Christmas program.

And were followed by yet another unexpected visitor!

It was quite a day. I'm exhausted....

Note: the daughter has posted her version of our afternoon with the Nutcracker.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    A very very happy 103rd Birthday to the Birthday girl.

  2. I thank you on her behalf! She had a very good birthday. I am truly blessed in my mother -- we had our differences when I was younger and she more determined that I fit her ideals , but she has mellowed thoroughly.

  3. Anonymous4:07 PM

    She looks great in these photos! What a gene pool! I'm glad it was a good exhausing day. She is an amazing woman.

  4. Hey, you got some of those genes and maybe you didn't fritter them away with bad habits, like I did...
