Saturday, December 16, 2006

Nutcracker Season

They're off to see the Nutcracker -- a holiday treat for my daughter and her daughter. They blew in from Flagstaff, along with the cold front (which promises to be a dud, water-wise.)

However, despite the chill and the grey overcast sky, today was a wonderful day for little girls in their little girl holiday finery, much of it red.

The granddaughter discovered the huge mirrored doors at the entrance to Yavapai College's auditorium.

On the other side, inside looking out at more arrivals.

What should greet us once we were inside, but a splendid, tempting array of nutcrackers. For sale, of course.

But what the hell, TANSTAAFL -- there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Ballet folk have to eat, too. And buy beautiful costumes and colorful backdrops for staging.

And so we headed up the grand staircase to the balcony for the show. It was granddaughter's first Nutcracker; I don't recall how many years my daughter and I went when she was young.

The little one took one look at the snowflakes on the walls of the auditorium as the lights dimmed and announced that "they do it with light." She was right, of course, and caught on well before I did with my aging eyes.

More snowflakes, but this time on stage. Good performance! And the almost-five-year-old sat reasonably still through most of it! But then she's recently started ballet lessons.

And a grand finale with a cast that ranged from surprisingly small -- to grownup!

However, one look at the ballerinas signing autographs is a tipoff to the prime age group of Ballet Etudes -- most of these seasoned dancers are still in high school!

For our family finale, a picture of the granddaughter with one of the larger nutcrackers. An afternoon well spent -- and possibly a Christmas tradition established.


  1. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Lovely pictures. Glad that everyone had a good time.

  2. Thank you, Steve. Wish I'd been able to catch a few more of the little girls all dressed up! After it was all over, the granddaughter said that it was too long and some of the effects scared her!

  3. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Little gal looks so cute...almost a tu-tu effect! Big mouse can be scary!

  4. It wasn't the mouse king as much as it was the E-Y-E-S that were lit up all over the set during the big fight. Little one still talks about the eyes.

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    My daughter went to see the nut cracker. We are going to make it a tradition. Merry Christmas.
