Sunday, April 15, 2007

Skateboard Park

There's something very 21st Century about specialized parks. Prescott has at least two of 'em -- a park for dogs and their people and the skateboard extravaganza above. Very photogenic.

I got a good look at it back last summer when the remarkable Niece from Memphis was visiting. Neither of us could resist taking a picture despite the very overcast weather! Very much a boy kind of place, I'd say...

...though that kid looks sort of lost down there!



  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I tried skateboarding 40 plus years ago. It didn't take me long to realize it wasn't for me.

  2. If skateboarding had been around when I was of the proper age, I'd probably have tried it! It wasn't & so I didn't & that may be one reason I never broke any bones all those years ago.

  3. What about a park for dogs on skateboards?

  4. Good idea! They obviously were not welcome at the boy skateboard park, as the pictures plainly show.

  5. Ah, but did you roller skate, J?

  6. For sure,A.L. But when I was a kid, you had to have a proper sidewalk for skating. It was a bit of a walk from our house to a sidewalk. Poor little me. Nothing like modern in-line skates.
