Thursday, June 28, 2007

Art This, Art That. Art Everything?

Those shoes above are truly kicky items for the wardrobe. Sort of similar to the wild sox I recently found at the Shoe Box over on Gurley. One big difference, however: these one-of-a-kind shoes are not to be found in a shoe store, nor even a high-end boutique. No, they are at Van Gogh's Ear, a gallery on Whiskey Row.

As are these vest and blouse outfits...

...and these hats.

Another example from the gallery: a pool table fashioned from crude but artfully selected (and finished) wood. Prices to match, of course. What we are seeing is a big blur of the line between arts/crafts and objects of everyday living. A function of affluence, of course. Strange developments: many rural (and city) third-worlders "graduate" from colorful, handmade dashikis or similar traditional clothing to much cheaper, imported ready-mades from our resale shops' cast-offs, while we (some of us) move up to ever-more- expensive handmades. Question: do those fantasy costumes from the likes of The Caspian Gate belong in a clothing store or a gallery?


  1. You might need to don a pair of those flashy sneakers and dash over to my blog -- you've been meme-tagged.


  2. That pool table is a wonder. I'd classify it as art, I think.

    Those are to-die-for shoes for Granddaughters. I immagine they're pricey......

  3. All right, already, Lori -- I'm working on it, after tonight's blog is posted.

    and,Brain, I was so sure that the shoes were pricey that I didn't even bother to check the tickets.
