Monday, July 16, 2007

The Rain Rolled In -- Finally

See that lovely "L" (for low pressure) hovering over the Colorado River? See that luscious green blob over the center of Arizona? It's been there since about 3:30 this afternoon; it is now 10:30 p.m. and we have had rain off and on for 7 hours. There was a thunderclap just now, off in the Bradshaws. Perhaps, just perhaps, the Big Heat is over and we can enjoy our summer mountain rains, up from Baja. Two more days of this sort of weather, the hills will green up. Keep your fingers crossed!

Note: A poetic treatment of the my glass tag has been posted by Lucy; do take a look.


  1. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Great news. Hope you get lots and lots of wet stuff.

  2. Didn't Mother Nature do a lovely job on the drought breaker? Now, if she'll just follow through with many days more...

  3. We got some badly need rain in Phoenix too. Hope it keeps up but boy is it hot today!

  4. Last night KNAU said we'd hit 96 as a high today; this morning, they dropped it to 92... but the sun is already behind clouds at 9:30 and I am thinking sweatshirt!

  5. How I've missed the smellof water!

  6. crt -- 's funny -- with the first rain comes that wonderful smell of rain on the desert. Later what I get is a curious scent from my wild rose that is very reminiscent of a man's after-shave lotion.
