Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Water, Real Water, Falling from the Sky!

You may think it's strange for people to react so viscerally to a couple of storms. On the other hand, take a look (above) at Granite Creek. Dry as a bone on this past, hot Sunday when I took the picture; think of that old cowboy song, Cool Water. Compare with the view through the neighborhood pines today. See what I mean?

Here's today's rain, running down the street to join a rushing stream at the corner. No question that Granite Creek was filling fast.

The oak stems were wet from today's rain; the juniper held lovely drops of water.

Our mountain world begins to change drastically once the rains arrive. Good examples sent over by my neighbor -- an entire ant colony washed out from under the driveway concrete and ready to fly away... and a new crop of mushrooms in a patch of lawn.

Up my hill, a couple of mossy stones have started greening up -- and the ground was wet enough to catch a stranger's paw prints. Possibly a skunk or badger.

Another result of the change in the weather: the air now holds enough moisture to condense out generously on my cold bottle of water. Thus a new way for Max cat to quench his thirst without visiting his water dish. The pink arc is his tongue.


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Bah. At our house, we've had a few little rains. Key word: Little. The weather service reports an official total for the month of .39 inches for the month; our normal is 1.11 by this point in July.

  2. What beautiful water that was!

  3. Strange, it rained most of yesterday afternoon and evening, then not a drop today. I guess we must give thanks for small favors.

  4. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Enjoy it while you can. Our short drought is over. It's much cooler today and a light rain is falling.

  5. Dotter-- I keep seeing rain symbols over your house on the weather maps; don't know how much rain we've had month-to-date.

    k-- yeah, beautiful, cool water.

    Cat-A-- today's rain seemed to be concentrated west of the Bradshaws, but then you had a good one last week while we were sweltering.

    steve -- it's hard to imagine a drought of any major consequence in Germany! BTW, our rains, when they happen, really, really cool things down.

  6. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Oh joy!! We too are supposed to collect three fronts starting tomorrow (Thurs) and maybe some of the predicted rain will reach the wheat-belt area, much of which is parched.

    Good to see that the'monsoon' is monsooning.


  7. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I'm coming up this weekend so I hope there will be some rain left in the clouds then.

  8. Bro -- I thought that when we had good rains in AZ that it came by way of taking moisture away from OZ.

    QD-- the rain has really taken the edge off the heat -- I'm back to a lightweight blanket at night.

  9. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I love your cat's response to the water on your bottle!

    Glad you guys finally got some rain. I hope it keeps up!

  10. Too bad you aren't here to experience it, Gadget.
