Thursday, October 18, 2007

Goats in Her Future???

There is a new scheme afoot in my dotter's household. Not her doing, BTW. Oh, no. Now ensconced on one acre up in Alaska, they are zoned for ..... a horsie!!! (Did I mention that this granddotter is besotted with the idea of horsies?)

But horse flesh is pricey. And so her dad has come up with this scheme to start out with a pair of breeding goats, learning to care for animals and selling the young to build up a nest egg with which to buy a ..... Real Live Horsie.

I recalled that I had a picture or two of goats taken at the Yavapai County Fair last month. So this post is dedicated to my SIL and his Grand Plan. I recommend that you read all about how they are trying to teach a nearly 6-year-old all about how to milk a goat... it's a hoot.

Of course, they might consider sheep. I'm sure that a winter in Alaska would produce plenty of heavy-duty fleece...

...for the shearing...

...even if the critter has to wear a coat to keep warm for a while.

Or they might raise pigs like these boys -- but I'm sure a little girl would find her pets' future as bacon to be a tragedy.

A cow? Too dang big, so big that they required a separate building at the fair.

Rabbits? Well, the sign warns us about the ferocity of bunnies, such as the little guy below.

And geese are well known for intimidating little kids, so that's out. I guess the dotter's family will have to settle for goats.

Reminding me -- what ever happened to llamas and alpacas. As I recall, the SIL lusted after an Andean camelid. Of course, they are as pricey as horses.


  1. If they get the right kind of goats, they can have milk AND wool!

  2. I love the photos of the sheep..and especially like the one of the sheep making a fashion statement! :)

  3. Juliar -- and they can send it to Stitch in England who will spin it and knit a wonderful pair of warm sox!

    jan -- speaking of fashion statements, unfortunately, I missed get a full picture of the woolie who was wearing a floral.

  4. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Gosh I have terrible luck getting anything to work on blogspot. I am a full time RVer in the area, and would love to walk with the author of Walking Prescott. Love your blog.

  5. I enjoyed seeing the sheep- so different from the ones we had in New Zealand!

  6. Mr. Boonie -- I'm here everyday for a walk!

    meggie -- are the sheep really that different? The only ones I saw in NZ were from the air!
