Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Junk, Photography Are Go-Togethers

Even before I fancied myself a photographer of sorts, I was fascinated with junk yards. I know, I know, everything is upgraded these days -- it's no longer honest junk; instead, we have to call it salvage. Whatever. I remain fascinated, but don't often get to such a location these days.

Back on a wet, raw day in early May, I had a ride out in the northeast corner of Chino Valley to a gun auction display at Doreen's.

The route took us past this collection of worn vehicles and stuff, waiting to be recycled by someone(s) with a bigger need than wallet.

In truth, I have no objection to either junk or salvage, especially if it gets re-used. That's as it should be. Like hand-me-down clothes bought at the Thrift.

Now, I didn't know whether these RVs somewhat hidden in a swale were merely in storage or left behind. Their situation seemed to fit this post! Especially on a grey day.

Other prime junkyards: in town, there's Kuhles Salvage over on Navajo Street, specializing in scrap metal. I'd love to do a shoot there. And a good 10-15 years back, my LH took us way out to an auto graveyard off Fain Road. Acres and acres of yesterday's cars ready to be picked over for parts; to judge from the Yellow Pages, the area's been upgraded, what with a new black top, and the auto graveyard is no longer there. Sometimes I hate change!

Local Picture Links: Quilted Dogs has pix of homes in the pines in Ponderosa Park and Victorians on Mt. Vernon Street. If you're looking for gorgeous picture postcards of the area, visit Gadget's Airstream Chronicles.


  1. Junk is great for photos isn't it? all those different shapes and textures. I liked those thrift shop ones you did a while back.

  2. Lucy -- In addition, there are alleys, which are sort of like the city's underwear. Always good shapes, colors and textures there, until we have a clean-up day.
