Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Monday's Walk Downtown

Currently, Mondays equal a weekly evening Scrabble game with a friend. Which necessitates a walk downtown for goodies. First I stopped in front of the Catholic Charities building to wist after the fall marigolds. Among my favorite plants, they don't survive the onslaught of grasshoppers; hence, no marigolds among my pots these days.

Of course, a bit of fresh civic graffiti along the way.

And news about what had been a pair of vacant buildings on West Gurley. A coat of paint for the outside and industrial-size dumpsters inside of McIlvain's; Batterman's Auction House is moving in. Across the street, the long-time health foods store is now anything but -- instead, Bar-B-Q's galore at Porky's.

Further along Gurley, the current batch of window posters proves that the counter-culture remains alive and well in Prescott.
Turning down Granite Street, I was reminded that this is one of the more pleasant of the newer commercial buildings downtown. Directly opposite, there's a huge adult ivy hiding an old tree. Here's what ivy looks like when it's in bloom.

As for that fine stainless steel sculpt at the motorcycle repair shop, he's not quite as shiny as he was when I first glimpsed him last year. For some reason, he's now wearing a tire.

Now for one of the saddest sights in all of downtown Prescott: the old elm trees at Willis and Montezma which were butchered to clear the utility lines. And I thought that one-sided pines were rather strange.

The usual evidence that some people are slobs!

But a cool discovery at the parking lot side of the old depot -- a 2nd floor balcony with tables and seats. Wonder if anybody every uses them.

Now, a scene that really caught my imagination. This truck is a apparently a big-time shredder unit and disposer combo. Gussied up as document management, here servicing a big law firm.

In closing, yet another floral wist. I just know that if I planted this striking mum from Albertson's in one of my pots, it would not bloom like this in my garden next year. Too bad.


  1. Even your walk through the town for the scrabble evening yields photos and descriptions of interest.

  2. Anonymous4:29 AM

    The marigolds and ivy in blossom look very pretty,the junk depressing - like over here. Some people drop their waste in the streets and couldn't care less.

  3. I enjoyed the walk, GJ. Snails also love marigolds, but don't seem to bother galardias. They might work for you in your pots.

  4. avus -- that's what I like about strolling -- there's always something interesting to catch the eye.

    Olivia -- actually, this junk stood out because it was about all that I saw!

    Brain -- oh, my galardias do wonderfully. And I've just gotten a bunch of seed heads from next door that should yield all-yellows, which should make a pretty mix. And you're right, it is the snails that really do in the marigolds!
