Wednesday, October 31, 2007

One More Halloween!

I didn't know if Mom would be up to wearing a costume
today -- after all, she is almost 104 and tires easily. However, when the subject of Halloween came up a couple of weeks ago, she asked about how she was going to dress. As I've mentioned in a past post, Mom was always one to dress up if there was an occasion.

Anyhow, this year she costumed light -- in a splendid cow-bedecked sweat I found over at the Noah thrift for all of one buck! Complete with a working cowbell in front and a braided tail at the rear. As a finishing touch, big homemade spotted ears to take the place of her usual earrings.

The occasion: another Trick or Treat event at Las Fuentes for kids from the nearby Y after school program. Mom and her fellow residents really enjoy seeing the youngsters in their wildly varied costumes.

Later: there was a string of Halloween pumpkin lights, among other decorations at Casa Sanchez, where I had dinner this evening...

...a dazzle of lights at That House on Park which goes all out to decorate for as many holidays as possible...

...and big blow-up characters on the balcony of one of the nearby faux Victorians. And, yes, that looks like Itt up in the tower, more than a little deflated.

Of course, there are, these days, a handful of folk who take the night of Oct. 31 more seriously, as Samhain, the pagan harvest festival and official beginning of winter. I saw these decals on a recent walk around town (all on one car, BTW.) Ironically, a couple of local churches that view the Halloween celebration as a pagan holiday scheduled harvest festivals in its place.

However, for the rest of us, the night is a time to thumb one's nose at all manner of scary critters and creatures. It's only fitting that in Prescott, a Halloween witch wears blue jeans under her black cape. Perhaps she's thinking rodeo...

All Hallows' Link: A New England neighborhood explorer and photographer has discovered an interesting trick of the light that she calls Alien Eyes. I'd be curious whether anyone has seen these x-marks-the-spot reflections in our town.


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I love Samhain. There is an old Celtic saying about it:

    "They that are born on Samhain shall see more than other folk."

    But you see a lot with your camera, even if you were not born on Samhain, Granny J.

  2. olivia -- It's curious. I find that the more I walk the same streets, the more new sights I see. It's a sensitization that comes with photography, I suspect.

  3. Your mom's costume is just a hoot or maybe that should be a moo. Great job!

  4. Your Mom looks Wonderful! I'll bet she's excited about Hermano's visit:)

  5. Good for your Mom! She sounds like fun to me. And good for you for appreciating it all.

    Your blog is one of my main inspirations for my new blog about my own neighbourhood. So far, the blog is just observations made on short walks. I started it partly because I am going to run for the condo board next week (I'm a sucker for punishment) and thought it would be a nice way to get folks involved in the 'hood. It's at if the link doesn't work right.

  6. Your Mum is an example to us all. (Did she dress up?)
    I agree that photography (or painting and sketching) sensitises the "antenna".

  7. QD -- We all gave her Three Moos for her costume yesterday!

    Brain -- Oh, yes -- he arrives this afternoon & I've had the Merry Maids in to present a clean beginning to a big house party!

    jr -- I'm going to your new site as soon as I finish this comment!

    avus -- would that I had followed her advice about not smoking all those years in the past! I squandered a lot of good genetics on a bad habit...

  8. Your Mom looks like a fun lady, even into her 104th year! May we all be thus!!!

    Must look for examples of 'alien eyes' around these parts. I have seen reflections of sunlight, off windows, in unique places. But never looked for 'alien eyes' effect. Fun new project!

    And that "Give me that old time religion" bumper sticker is a great one!!!!!!!! I love the message.


  9. SnS -- She's doing pretty well for her age -- and her sense of humor is still with her, which is good! Her official birthday party is next month.

  10. Woo hoo, how cool is your mother!! Willing to dress up too. What a great lady!

  11. meggie -- Mom's always enjoyed dressing up & she hasn't changed, even at her age, if it's easy. She liked her ears.

  12. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Oh, Gramdma looks SSOOOOO good in the Cow-stume!!!

  13. Hi, Anon - which of the Nieces from Memphis came calling???
