Sunday, December 16, 2007

Another blogger meet-up

It was a chilly, chilly day in Prescott. And a prime day for Christmas shopping. So our turn-out for the monthly Prescott blogger meet-up at The Raven Cafe was smaller, but certainly an interesting bunch of people.

New on-line is Karoliina, who publishes Photos from Prescott, part of the City Daily Photo Blog link-up, which features an absolutely bewildering array of local photos from around the world. If the idea of armchair travel appeals to you, you might also try the Around the World Link at right -- I counted 39 cities beginning with "A". But, back to our gathering. Next to Karoliina is her husband Ray, of Bulleri Networks, Catalyst of Oddball Observations, and Andrew Johnson-Schmit of Coyote Radio and the Prescott Arts Beat podcasts.

While I did a reasonably good job of staying in the conversation, I must admit that my roving eye was caught by the plant watering guy! I mean, there are those happy, green, live plants that obviously receive a regular dose of TLC. At a height that requires all rungs of a longish stepladder.

More plants, in need. Again, I let the pictures digress me! Perhaps with the holidays out of the way and the winter blahs setting in, we can entice more local bloggers out for a monthly meet-up. It's a wonderful way to trade useful tips and just meet wonderful people!

Note: the dotter, who, with the GD, has just returned to Alaska, wrote a heartfelt, loving tribute to my Mom tonight. If you get a chance, read it.


  1. Sorry I didn't doff my lid for your photo. Bad hair day, y'know.

  2. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it for the meet-up...My niece and I were out Xmas shopping and cookie baking...but, I will try to make it for the next one for sure! I know I'll need a fun pick-me-up in Jan...let me know when it is!!

  3. Hey, Cat-A, this is the Southwest, where Real Men wear their hats indoors. You looked quite as handsome as ever.

    We missed you, CB, but save some of the cookies for the next meet-up!

  4. I dunno, you turn up for a bloggers' meeting and GJ can't keep her eyes off the young man in the roof-space...

  5. That beats being accused of being simply nosey, Lucy.

  6. Thank you for inviting me to this. I didn't notice the comment until today, though! Anyway, I'd like to come to one of these, so invite me to the next one! Love your blog!

  7. tasha -- good to hear from you. Why don't you drop a note to me at
    so that I can add your email to my list to let you know the next date (some Saturday in January, BTW.)
