Friday, December 14, 2007

Granny goes Christmas shopping

It's been over 25 years since I've had a Real Department Store Experience. Not since I left Chicago, where my office was right across the street from Carson Pirie Scott and the late-lamented Marshall Field was only one block away.

But my dotter and her dotter are still with me -- so we went to the mall and, once there, entered Dillards, where the GD got a chance to admire expensive, fancy holiday gowns...

...ending in a motherly admonition that touch was limited to one finger only!

It was a world of fancy chocolates...

...$100+ sweaters (no -- it's a brand, not sweatshop labor)...

...elaborate Christmas box towers...

...but the ambiance ruined by this intrusion of pop culture (or lack there-of).

Now, down to the nitty-gritty. Turns out there were plenty of blouses that featured horsies (have I mentioned that the granddaughter is besotted with horsies?). Since shipping packages all the way to Alaska is so dang expensive, I decided that this was the time to do Christmas.

So: another horsie blouse/tshirt.

Time for new jeans, too. Rhinestones on the back pockets, yet.

Into the dressing room for a try-out and try-on.

And a handstand for good measure. It was fun. But, for myself, I'll stick to the local thrifts!


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I don't brave malls in Dec. GD is so cute!

  2. granny j..what a lovely granddaughter you have...and quite the little model, too!

  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    So nice to have them visiting. Will they be staying long?


  4. GD is just gorgeous! I love the photo of her modelling!

  5. karen -- I can understand about malls; I seldom go, partially because I can't get there, which is OK by me. As for the GD, isn't she?

    jan -- I guess she learned the modeling from her ballet classes or maybe a Barbie movie. Home TV is limited to the Food Channel.

    steve -- glad to see you've relocated. Unfortunately, they leave tomorrow bright and early.

    meggie -- there will be some more pictures in a couple of days. I don't want to swamp people with my family goings on, tho I'd like to!

  6. That granddaughter is the star of the family.

  7. Oh horsie heaven, and rhinestones on the pockets!

  8. ...and she knows it, Cat-A.

    Lucy -- it's practically impossible to keep kids away from from the cheapest sort of bling!

  9. What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Isn't she, SnS? I'm just befreft that she (and my dotter) are now so far away. 4000 miles. And in the dark at this time of year!
