Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Pair of Cats

A translucent feline, kindly brought to me by neighbors from their Pacific Northwest sojourn. Originally it served as a wine bottle. Today it sits in my kitchen window to catch the morning light and glow.

The Max cat is not translucent in the morning sun -- except in outline, creating his very own cat aura.

Update: Here are two pictures that should have been in my previous post of most searched photos. Number one is of my favorite mysterious staircase.

Number two, above, is the fireplace in the Bank of America's cozy corner. The post compared local bank decor.

And here's an interesting conversation at the Virtual Jeep forum, discussing the back roads to Crown King, as well as the sights along the way. I should also mention that I discovered a Truly Nolen blog for franchisees of the exterminating service; Walking Prescott got a link.


  1. That staircase reminded me! I ran across a couple of postcards that may explain it and laid them out for you. I'll email them over pretty soon. They are almost identical, but a tiny bit different in angle.

  2. oh, wow! Thanks, brain -- I'm looing forward to them....

  3. Looking, for heavens' sake!

  4. I loved reading about the staircase. I love mysteries.
    Cats are cute... love the real one!

  5. meggie -- Max is almost as vain as my favorite cat from kidlit -- The Glass Cat of Oz. I really should have Googled up a pic of that one for this post!

  6. Anonymous8:36 PM

    What a lovely pair of cats!

  7. nikita -- I was very lucky to get that shot! Vain tho he is, Max is very good at moving at just the wrong moment.

  8. Beautiful, beautiful.

    My cats always loved to hear me call them by that word. Does Max?

  9. k -- actually, I don't use that word in my Max vocabulary. "Handsome", perhaps, and certainly "splendid", however.
