Saturday, January 19, 2008

Visitors from The Google

The Google giveth: information , visitors. All it asks in return: information, images. And I am continually fascinated by what brings strangers to Walking Prescott, thanks to The Google. Herewith, a few examples of what is most often called for. I'm starting with pictures, since about two-three months ago, the number of image searches reported by Sitemeter shot way up; I'd guess that currently about 25% of visitors to the blog come as a result of an image search.

Right now, this picture from a post about the Lippizaner performance is the number one draw. Just incidentally, I have no idea what words or phrase were used to pull up this photograph.

Of course, a horse fits among Western themed images, such as these Hollywood weapons (above, below) from the Stembridge Collection which were up for auction when I saw the display. The fantasy pistols above were props on the "Wild Wild West" TV show, BTW.

Also from Hollywood: a stock model false front Western street, one of several featured here.

This photo, called "truck face", is another popular image. It was taken at last summer's antique and classic auto show out at Watson Lake Park.

People continue to be curious about this wee camper, also displayed at that show.

But why these patriotic -- or ironic -- shorts which were among many topical decorations on Memorial Day 2007? This picture, as well as those above, were all selected using the Google Image search. However, the blog also lands on site lists as a result of key word searches.

One that crops up regularly is in reference to Truly Nolen or his father, children and/or brothers. Never an inquiry about his company's little yellow cars with mouse ears.

And then there is my famous post about ant hills. This has turned into a perennial except in coldest winter, when surfers do not have gardening on their minds. Another subject that has proven to be interesting over time -- the Stembridge Collection (top of page). And I'm surprised at the folks showing up to find out about the lion killed earlier this month up near Ashfork. The word has spread, tho there was nothing in our local paper about the incident. I hope that The Google has also referred these people to Prescott Style, which is where I got the original info.

Note: So, if you're curious how I found about about these searches (and other visitors to my site), I subscribe to a service (free, of course) called Sitemeter, which catches all sorts of info about who visits a blog -- everything except for who they actually are -- one's anonymity is protected.

And here are a couple of cool sites. First is the Yavapai Open Space Alliance, promoter of local trails. Nice pictures of the in-city outback. And, in case you're aware that mining activity is booming in Arizona, here is the mining database of all databases.


  1. Loved your sharing the random paths people take to your site.

    The perennial mysterious path I find people use who come to my blog? Searches for "use juxtapose in a sentence."

    Many other random-access searches, but this one comes up over and over.


  2. I commented yesterday on your beautiful pictures and interesting aspen didn't take.

    I commented today on this interesting post, and it didn't take..try, try again!

    I love the truck face best, myself:)

  3. Lori -- juxtapose use beats ant hills all hollow!

    brain -- Bad Blogger! As a picture, I agree with you -- the truck face; as subject matter, I kinda like the cute little camper.

  4. I rather enjoyed your false fronts! Although, all your posts are of interest to me.

  5. meggie -- it's curious -- none of the above are really my favorites, tho the ant hill piece was kinda fun. But it's neat to be appreciated, in any event.
