Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A wall of Indian symbols

Bear ... goat ... rabbit ... road runner ... turtle ... snake ... and a variety of anthropomorphs (humans) -- these are some of the American Indian symbols rendered in copper up on the lobby wall at Samaritan Village, where my mother is staying.

Here, just for the dotter who's still suffering short days up in Alaska -- another sun to brighten her life.

This fine lizard is also at home on the wall... are these katchina figures. I especially liked the grimace of the fellow on the right (below in close-up.)

And no pictures of Arizona animals would be complete without a prong-horn. Now, my daily duty done, I will retire to bed to pamper the dang-blasted cold I appear to have contracted.


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Pamper away. But please do get better quickly! You know how paranoid I am...

    The sun that you highlighted--we actually have a small version of that one. And our sunlight here is increasing swiftly! Yay!

  2. Anonymous1:48 AM

    I second OM's request!!!


  3. great pictures GJ!!
    Hope you start feeling better soon. :)

  4. dotter -- it's my paranoia that you've caught. Believe me, I am taking care. As for your sun, may I paraphrase whomever, "everyday in every way, it is getting brighter and brighter. Your bro will be here tomorrow.

    My bro: I'm working on it, I'm working on it!!!

    tombo: your good words help, too!

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Just got back in town. Hope the cold gets better.

  6. Thankyou for another interestin post, in spite of feeling unwell. That is dedication!

  7. steve -- who was feeding your beautiful squirrel while you were out of town? Everybody else -- go to steve's worldphotos4 to see his elegant Eurosquirrel.

    meggie -- actually, writing,currying and commenting on my blog is one of the high points of my day!

  8. Anonymous11:48 PM

    GJ, I filled the feeder with hazel and chestnuts before we left. The squirrel had plenty to eat.

  9. Nice lizard, too.

  10. k -- I don't know which kind he is. We do have lizards many and various.
